Applicable to the Counties of Maryland.
1. The President and Visitors of the Maryland Hospital,
if there be room and accommodations therein, shall receive
into the Hospital any person who by proper authority in any
county, shall be committed thereto agreeably to law, and the
President and Visitors shall appropriate the one-half of the
Hospital buildings to the accomodation of the pauper lunatics
of this State. The Maryland Code, I, Art. 44, Sec. 13.
2. The President and Visitors of the Maryland Hospital
shall receive from each county two hundred dollars per an-
num, for the support of each pauper lunatic sent from said
county to said Hospital. Act of General Assembly of Mary-
land, Chapter 136, passed March 24th, 1865.
3. TERMS: Payment to be made in advance, for the time
from the date of the admission of a pauper lunatic until the
31st of December; subsequenty, annual payment to be made,
in advance,-in January of every year while the patient re-
mains in the Hospital. When a patient is discharged or dies
before the time paid for has expired, the county is immedi-
ately credited for the unexpired time, and information of this
is then communicated to the Commissioners.
It is the duty of the Medical Superintendent to give timely
notice to the Commissioners of the counties, of the amounts
to be levied for their insane poor, and when payment is to be
made to the Hospital; and to draw upon the Presidents of
the Commissioners of the counties for the same.
4. No pauper lunatic ought to be sent to the Hospital by or-
der of any court, until it is first ascertained by application to
the Medical Superintendent, by letter or otherwise, whether
there be room and accommodations.
5. It is necessary, before bringing pauper lunatics to the
Hospital, to have them thoroughly washed, and also decently