The Association also adopted the following:
Resolved, that the Association approves of such modifica-
tion of the law as may leave it discretionary with the State
Superintendent to assign a smaller number than fifteen school
districts to a President of a county board, or to releive him
from the practical duties of a commissioner district, when
such relief might be considered necessary.
After adopting the following Constitution, the Association
adjourned to meet in Baltirmore on call of the President.
The members of the Board of School Commissioners of the
several counties and of the city of Baltimore, and the Secre-
tary and Treasurer of each Board, shall on the adoption of
this constitution, be organized as an association to be known
as The Association of School Commissioners of Maryland.
The object of the Association is primarily the advancement
of education in the State.
The officers of the Association shall consist of a President,
two Vice-Presidents and a Secretary, who shall be elected
every two years; there shall also be appointed by the Presi-
dent annually, a committee on Business, consisting of seven,
whose duty it shall be to prepare and present at each meeting
a minute of such matters of business as should be brought
before the Association for its action, to whose report prece-
dence shall always be given.
1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Asso-
2. The first Vice-President, shall, in the absence of the
President, or whenever he shall vacate the chair, perform all
the duties of the President.
3. The second Vice-President in the absence of the Presi-
dent and Vice-President, shall perform the duties of the Pre-
sident. He shall also, in addition to the duties of Vice-Presi-
dent, act as Treasurer of the Association.
4. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of
the Association, shall cause two copies of the same to be made
in proper books to be provided for the purpose, one of which
shall be deposited in the office of the State Superintendent,
and shall have charge of the correspondence of the Associa-
5. The second Vice-President as Treasurer, shall have
charge of the funds of the Association, and under the written
direction or warrant of "the President, countersigned by the
Secretary, shall disburse the same.