From Plans and Drawings issued by the State Superintendent
of Public Instruction.
These plans and drawings, with specifications, can be ob-
tained from the State Superintendent's office.
All public-school houses must be built by these plans and
drawings, or such others as may be submitted by county
boards and approved by the State Superintendent. Every
school-house must be provided with black-boards, attached to
the wall behind the teacher's desk, and in other positions
convenient for the pupils. The engravings of school-houses,
desks, &c., are placed upon the last pages.
FIGURE 1 is a frame house, 24+24 feet from outside to
outside, and 12 feet high to the square, with an arched
It has a vestibule 15+8 1/2 feet from outside to outside. The
windows are hung on sash cords and axle pulleys, for conveni-
ence in ventilating the room. There is a floor register placed
under the stove for the admission of fresh air. The main
room will take in the platform for teacher's desk and four
rows of double desks, which will accommodate fifty pupils.
A book-case must be fixed between the doors at the lower
end of the room, with lock and key, for safe keeking of books,
stationery, &c.
The vestibule is supplied with shelves and hat-pins or
hooks, water-bench and wash-stand.
FIGURE 2 is a frame house, 24+36 feet from outside to
outside, and 14 feet high to the square, with an arched
The vestibule is 15+8 1/2 feet from outside to outside. The
whole building is finished in the same manner as that of
figure 1, and will accommodate seventy-five pupils.
FIGURE 3 is a brick house, 24 1/2+37 feet from outside to
outside, and 14 feet high to the square, with and arched ceil-
ing. The vestibule is 15 1/2+9 feet.
The provision for ventilation and the interior arrangements
are the same as in that of figure 2, and the room will accom-
modate seventy-five pupils.
FIGURE 4 is a stone house, 26+38 feet from outside to
outside, and 14 feet high to the square, with an arched
The vestibule is 16 1/2+10 feet from outside to outside. This
building is finished in the same manner as that of figure 3,
and bas accommodation for seventy-five pupils.
FIGURE 5 is a frame house. 24+46 feet from outside to
outside, and 14 feet high to the square, with an arched ceiling.