duly certifying and reporting the result. We did not, there-
fore, undertake to carry out that suggestion, but determined
to lay the whole subject before the people of the County in
the form of an address and then memorialize the Legislature
to pass, in the early part of the session, an act authorizing
a popular vote on the subject, to be taken in time for subse-
quent legislation, if the popular vote shall be in favor of the
tax. This seems to be feasible and the only reliable mode
of overcoming the difficulty created by this singular, and, as
we believe, unwise provision in the organic law of the State.
3d. Upon third topic suggested in the circular referred to,
we have to report no special resources for building and im-
proving school houses. The only plan we have, with our
present resources, even should the local tax be under legal
authority continued, is to appropriate such part of our gen-
eral revenue as the continuance of the schools for three terms
will admit of, to the erection of houses where they are im-
peratively demanded and to seek such personal and local assist-
ance as the liberality of the citizens and their estimate of
the value of proper school accommodations will prompt them
t» afford. In some districts local assistance has been obtain-
ed in former building enterprizes, and to some extent aid
may be secured in future efforts; but in other sections,
although wealthy and populous, the entire expenses has fal-,
len upon the Board, and the future has, we fear, no better
During the past year we have appropriated out of our
ordinary revenue some $4,600 to the erection of new school
houses in four different localities where they were greatly
needed. In two of these districts we have the promise of
some local aid, but it cannot, in either case, meet one-half
the cost of the building. One large brick building, 24 by
46 feet, well built, and to be completely furnished, is now
nearly completed and ready to be occupied at an expense,to
the Board of some $2,200. The other three will be com-
pleted in time for occupation during the next Spring or Sum-
mer. A larger amount would have been appropriated to
building purposes, but for obligations of the former County
Board, incurred by them ia their efforts to supply needed
buildings, which the present Board have been obliged to pro-
Tide for and discharge.
Daring the past year the County, under the authority of