energy, that by its intellectual force and boldness it has ac-
quired, the complete mastery over nature, and has made our
World a whispering gallery, so that men may hold almost
instantaneous converse with each other, though dwelling in
the different capitals of the two hemispheres; we may well
ask, is there a work under the heavens at once so simple and
yet so sublime, as the education of that mass of human in-
tellect, which in a few more years will control the interests
of the Church and mould the destiny of the State ? Take
care of the children, and the future men and women will
take care of themselves. Educate these youthful immortals
physically, intellectually and morally, and you provide the
surest safeguards for the welfare of the Republic. Our pub-
lic schools are the nurseries of the future conservators of pub-
lie morals, and of the statesmen whose influence will either
strengthen, beautify and perpetuate our cherished institu-
tions, or blight and desolate the fairest heritage on God's
At a meeting of our Board some months ago, the trustees
of St. John's College tendered us the use of buildings and
the services of one or more Professors for the High School,
if the Board would connect it with the College and pay into
the treasury of that institution the appropriation now dona-
ted to several academies in our County. There being no ap-
plications at that time, to have the High School located else-
where, the Commissioners acceded to the request of the trus-
tees, in view of the fact that we would secure all the advan-
tages of a High School, by the payment of the academic
fund (eight hundred dollars) and incur no expense for build-
ings or professors. This arrangement however, was never
perfected. Finding that there were strong objections on the
part of many citizens of our County to the location of the
High School at Annapolis, the Board reconsidered its former
action and appointed a day to hear the parties who wished
to present their views in reference to the location of the
High School. At the appointed time delegations from the
Millersville and Patapsco Academies, and one of the trustees
and the President of St. John's College appeared before the
Board. An interesting discussion ensued, both parties pre-
senting their claims in eloquent speeches. It was alleged on
the part of those who represented the academies, that if the
appropriations which they receive from the County were
withdrawn, they could not be kept in operation. We also
learned that the trustees of the College would rather with-
draw their claim than awaken any unkind feeling through-
out the County against the College. In view of these and
other considerations the Board resolved to postpone all fur-
ther action on the subject for the present. The Academies