All Clerks, Officers and Employees shall be prompt in their
attendance at each opening of the House, and shall remain
at their several posts during the entire sitting of the House,
ready to render any service in accordance with their several
No Clerk, Officer or Employee shall be absent at any time
during the sittings of the House, unless by permission of the
Speaker, nor absent himself from the service of the House,
unless by permission asked (in writing) and obtained from
the House during its sitting.
Upon proper information and just complaint, the Speaker
is authorized to suspend any Clerk, Officer or Employee,
and shall report the fact to the House at its then or next
Shall keep the minutes of proceedings in the House, and
make out, subject to the control of the Speaker, the Journal
of said proceedings, in readiness for the same to be read at
the next meeting of the House.
He shall keep the files of the House, preserving all petitions
and other papers belonging to the archives.
He shall keep a book in which are entered, numerically,
the titles of all bills and joint resolutions, opposite which are
entered, as they occur, all proceedings of the House thereon ;
also, all proceedings of the Senate, as they are reported to
the House.
He shall place appropriate endorsements upon all papers
presented to the House, and after entering the same in books
kept for that purpose, send to the Printer of the House such
as are to be printed, and to the appropriate Committees such
as are referred without printing.
He shall convey all messages from the House to the Senate,
preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms.
He shall receive all messages from the Senate, when pre-
sented by that body.
He shall receive from Members the drafts of bills intended
to be presented by them to the House; have them copied in
bill form, and returned to the desks of the Members, with
the original, in the order in which they are presented to
He shall every morning arrange, agreeably to seniority, all
joint resolutions which have been once read, and are entitled