I have received a copy of the Address of the President of
the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company to the Board of
Directors on the 12th December last. Associated during the
best years of my life with the extension of that noble work
from Cumberland to the Ohio river, it affords me pleasure to
recognize under its present able management, the steady pro^
gress which it is fast making, towards the accomplishment
of its great destiny, and the realization of the most sanguine
hopes of its founders.
Within the past year, it has paid into the Treasury of the
State $760,088.70.
The liberal policy indicated by the President, meets my
cordial approval. Controlling without a rival, the wealth of
the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, the value of this road to
the State of Maryland cannot be too highly estimated. A
large amount of capital has been expended and much work
done, since the last Annual Report, in giving increased power
and efficiency to the road. The second track has steadily
advanced. Some of the most important tunnels on the North
Western Branch have been permanently arched—the control
of the Winchester road has been secured, and a most valuable
arrangement, mutually advantageous to both roads, entered
into with the Central Ohio Rail Road Company for the future
working of that important line, affording increased induce-
ments for the most favorable combinations with the leading
roads converging at Columbus and the centre of the rich
table lands of Ohio. With the Pittsburgh and Connellsville
Road complete, which I look for at no distant day, in spite of
the jealousies which have heretofore retarded its advance—the
intersection of the Ohio river at Wheeling and Parkersburg
already accomplished, and the certain occupation of the Val-
ley of Virginia and the appropriation at a still lower point,
of the great arteries of the South West, I shall look with re-
newed pride, not only upon the energy and perseverance of
our people to which we are indebted for all this, but to the
impregnable position in which through their indomitable
efforts and wise foresight they have placed the great commer-
cial centre of our State. In connection with this subject it
affords me pleasure to note the active preparations now in
progress to complete the Metropolitan Road, from Washing^
ton to the Point of Rocks, and the probable opening of the
Branch to Hagerstown as early as September next.
Both the Northern Central Rail Road Company, and the
Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Company have promptly
met their interest to the State.
The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company is also giving
evidence of more encouraging results this have hereetofore