acoording to the term of the sentence, as a reward for good
conduct, has been brought to your attention in the former .
reports of the institution. This, I am satisfied, would be
attended with the most beneficial results, and such is the
experience in institutions of a similar character both abroad
and in some of the other States.
In the exercise of the pardoning power, I have been govern-
ed by a scrupulous regard for the protection of the general
Community; but I am by no means satisfied that the Execu-
tive clemency might not be advantageously interposed in a
great many cases of petty crimes, which I have not felt au-
thorized to notice, in consequence Of what has been the custom
of this Department in the absence of special legislation, on
account of what would seem a too Sweeping interference with
the functions of the Courts.
In the appointment of your usual Committee to examine
into this subject, I trust that these suggestions may not be
lost sight of in their report to your Honorable Body.
The geographical position of the City of Baltimore is attrac-
ing renewed attention since the close of the war, among capi-
talists and business men throughout the country. Large
accessions to her population are being realized through a
steady current of immigration from other States. Her real
property has greatly enhanced in value, and the applications
for dwellings and places of business are already largely in
excess of the ability of the people to supply them.
The experiment of a line of Ocean steamers under the
auspices of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, has
proved entirely successful, and similar lines have been es-
tablished and are now in operation with some of the most
prominent points upon the Southern Coast — promising at no
distant day a complete renewal of trade and intercourse from
that section. In the meantime, her manufacturing capital
has been largely increased, and the amplest preparations made
for a profitable interchange of the varied products of her
manufactories for the great staples of the South, which find
here their most convenient point of shipment and conversion.
Contributing as largely as she does to the burthen of State
taxation, it is not less the interest than the duty of the Le-
gislature to extend to her proper encouragement in all well
directed efforts to develop her commanding resources, perfect
her municipal government, and protect the interests of her
people; and I take great pleasure in commending her to the
liberal support of the General Assembly.
At the extra sessien of the Legislature in January last, I
catted the attention of your Honorable Body, to the enlarge