INDEX. 1245
be invested in the stock of the, 499; leave grant-
ed to report such a bill, 499.
Leave to report a supplement to the Act, Jan.
sess., 1964, ch., 116, 545; favorable report and
first reading, 591.
WILSON, DR. JOSHUA—Order as to the erroneous entry
of his name on the Journals of the House of
1865 and 1866, 351.
WITNESSES—Leave to repeal section 5, and sub'section 2,
ch. 109, Jan. sess., 1864, 109; unfavorable re-
port and first reading, 127; second, 199; enacting
clause stricken out, 258.
Leave to authorize commissioners in equity to
attach them, 254.
Favorable report of a bill to repeal sub. section
2, ch. 109, Jan. ses., 1864, being an Act to amend
Art. 37, Code General, by repealing sections 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, of said Article, and first reading, 727;
third and rejected, 1063.
Favorable report of a bill to amend Art. 37.,
Code General, by repealing the second section of
said Art., as amended by chapter, 109, 1864, and
first reading, 863; second and third and rejected,
969; reconsidered. 1056.
WILD FOWL—Leave to amend ch. 43, Code General, pas-
sed Jan. sess., 1862., relating to, 101. favorable
report and first reading, 208; second, 343; third
and passed, 387, 388, 555.
Petition to legalize shooting them from fish
boats, 572; leave to report such a bill, 614; fa-
vorable report and first reading, 667; second and
third and passed, 871.
WILDS, JAMES D.—Leave to report a bill relating to his
real estate, 600; favorable report and first read-
ing, 637; second and third and passed, 945; re-
turned passed, 1133.
asking for a pension, 611; joint resolutions grant-
them a pension, and first reading, 665; second
and passed, 673; returned with amendment in-
cluding Nancy Wiles and passed, 802.
WILES, NANCY—See "Wimsatt, Frances."
the Act of 1864, ch. 267, providing for a State's
subscription to, 771; favorable report and first
reading, 843; second and third and passed, 1054