1162 INDEX.
Joint resolutions authorizing the Comptroller
to warrant for all claims passed by the late Comp-
troller, 402.
Order as to bounty money expended by John
A. Thompson, 530.
Order as to the amounts in the County Commis-
sioners hands, 544.
Leave to report a bill supplementary to the
Acts of 1865, ch. 33, ch. 106, relating to the pay-
ment of, 613; favorable report and first, 725; se-
cond and third and passed, 878; returned passed
Joint resolutiona as to bounties due owners for
slaves enlisted in 1864, in regiment, 38 colored
vols., 1st and 2d regiments colored cavalry, and
battery B, colored volunteers, and first, 653; se-
cond and passed, 732.
Leave to repeal section 2, ch. 108, 1866, rela-
ting to certificates of officers in paying, 680; fa-
vorable report and first, 725; second and third and
passed, 1086; returned rejected, 1133.
Senate bill to repeal sections 5 and 8, ch. 15,
1864, and 4 and 5, ch. 33, 1865, first and referred,
825; favorable report and second, 1019; third and
passed, 1065.
Senate bill to amend Act, 1864, ch. 15 and to
provide for the prompt payment of bounties and
to make deceased soldiers bounties payable to wi-
dows and heirs, first and referred, 922; second
and third and passed, 952.
I Senate bill to secure settlement of bounty funds
with the several County Commissioners, &c., first
and referred, 922; second, 955; third and passed,
BOYLE, JOHN B.—Leave to report a bill to relieve the
sureties of, 59.
BOTELER, ROBERT H.—Leave to allow him to have a
deed recorded, 60; favorable report and first, 77;
enacting clause stricken out, 103.
BOUNDARY—Report of the Select Committee on the West-
ern, referred, 351; favorable report of a bill to
complete maps showing the Western boundary
line, 664; allowance ordered for witnesses, 413;