1156 INDEX.
Leave to amend sec. 477, article 4, Code Local
relating to the inspection of lumber in, 77; favor-
able report and first, 259; second, 346; third and
passed, 535.
Leave to repeal sec. 3, ch. 532, 1849, relating
to the closing of certain streets in by the Balti-
more and Susquehanna R. R., 100.
Leavje to amend sec. 405, article 4, Code Local,
Favorable report of a bill to amend sec. 460, ar-
article 4, Code Local, and first, 379; second and
third and passed, 417.
Favorable report of a bill to'add certain sections
to article 4, relating to weighing of live stock by
the Inspector of Hay and Straw at the Eastern
hay scales and first, 379; second and third and
passed, 415.
Favorable report of a bill to appropriate
$2500.00 to rebuilding the hay scales in the East-
tern section of, near the intersection of O'Don-
nell street with the Western line of Baltimore
county, 379.
Petition for an ice boat, 115; leave to create a
Board of Commissioners to keep open the harbor
of, and the accesse free from ice, 196; favorable re-
port and first, 403;second, 483; third and passed,
518; returned with amendments and passed, 1065.
Memorial for the creation of a new court in,
473; leave to establish a new court in, and define
its jurisdiction, 827; favorable report and first,
483; second, 997; third and passed, 1051; re-
turned passed, 1133.
Leave to regulate inspections of lumber in Bal-
timore city, 614; favorable report of a bill to re-
peal sections 474 to 485, article 4, Code Local re-
lating to lumber, and first, 957.
Leave to repeal sec. 12, article 4. Code Supple-
mental, 656.
See "Courts."
Leave to add sections to article 4 relating to
drawing Jurors in, 700; favorable report and
first, 748; second and third and passed, 1023.