ABINGDON ACADEMY—Leave to report a bill to author-
ize the payment of back funds to the, 401; favor-
able report and first and referred to Committee on
Ways and Means, 501; unfavorable report and
second reading, 843.
ABORTION—See Medical Imposters.
ABSENTEES—Messrs. Jones, 15; Barnford, 15; Bixler and
Gorsuch, 24; Davis, 24; Clarke, 25; Evans, 31;
Magraw, 42; Dawson and Wampler, 49; Poole
and Bixler, 67; Phelps, 76; Welch, 108; Lind-
sey, 122; Tobey, 123; Criswell, 260; Aydelotte,
264; Wampler and Bamford, 273; Jump, 282;
Horsey, 125; Lankfbrd, 131; Davis, 131; Tobey,
311; Whituker, 322; Shipley, 322; Dawson, 325;
Welch, 334; Evans, 337; McCulloh, Waltemeycr,
Smith, 341; Haller, 341; Thomson, 342; Kerr,
Smith, Waltemeyer and Flaherty, 353; White-
ford, 354; Haffhine, 358; Phelps, 377; Poole,
398; Dennis, 403; Hall, 412; Appleman, Buhr-
man, McCulley. 413; Nelson, Horsey, Benton and
Smith, 413; Button, 414; Evans, 452; Beck,
Criswell, Devecmon, Hutchins, 479; Bruce, 496;
Spicer, 497; Wilson, 498; Bishop, 490; Jump,
Aydelotte, 517; Thomson, Bamford, 520; Baker,
527; King, 530; Bamford, Shipley, Tobey. Neale
and McCulley, Tobey, 535, Shipley, 548; Thom-
son, 574; Lindsey, 579; Bruce, 590; Kraft, 613;
Lankford, 649; Wampler, 649; Welch and White-
ford, 674; Flaherty, 679; Devecmon, Burche,
680; McCulley, 768; Dawson, Hoffhine, 769; Ap-
pleman, Phelps,796; Hall, Hutton, 814; Shipley,
144 '