Kraft, Lankford, Lindsey, Linthicum, Magraw, Magruder,
McCulley, McCulloh, Morgan, Neale,Neilson, Nelson, Nicolai,
Parsons, Phelps, Poole, Robson, Kouzer, Shipley, Smith,
Spicer, Steiner, Stevens, Thomas, Thomson, Tobey, Turner,
Waltemeyer, Wampler, Welch, Whiteford, Whittaker, Wil-
liams, Wilson—72.
The Journal of yesterday was read and approved.
On motion of Mr. Knott,
The House proceeded to the election of Speaker.
Mr. Carmichael nominated Oliver Miller, of Anne Arun-
del county.
Mr. Bruce nominated Upton Buhrman, of Frederick county.
The chair appointed Messrs. Hall and Welch tellers.
The House then proceeded to ballot for Speaker.
Upon counting the ballots, the tellers reported that there
had been 76 ballots cast, of which Mr. Miller received 58,
Mr. Buhrman 17, and that there was one blank ballot.
The chair announced that Oliver Miller, having received
a majority of the votes cast, was elected Speaker of the House
of Delegates.
The chair appointed Messrs. Thomas and Hammond, to
conduct the Speaker to the chair:
Upon taking the chair, the Speaker delivered the following
address, which
On motion of Mr. Stevens,
Was ordered to be entered on the Journal:
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:
To be selected as the presiding officer of this body, com-
posed of so many of her distinguished sons representing the
sovereign people of Maryland, is an honor of which I am
deeply sensible. For this manifestation of your confidence, I
return you my sincere thanks.
Bringing to the discharge of the responsible duties per-
taining to this position but little of parliamentary experience,
I must ask your indulgence, and invoke, what I am sure will
be at all times extended" to me, your cordial support and co-
operation in the maintenance of order and decorum during
our deliberations. It shall be my best endeavor, as it cer-
tainly is my earnest desire, to merit your approval, by a prompt,
faithful and impartial execution of official duty.
It is not my purpose, gentlemen, to indicate what laws you
should enact, or what measuies or policy you should adopt.
The welfare of the State, the dearest interests of your fellow