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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 1816   View pdf image (33K)
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Protest of Hart B. Holton against the taking
of further testimony in the case of Holton vs.
Maclin—Senate Doc. "G," 1865.

Report of the Committee on, in case of Holton
vs. Maclin, with accompanying evidence—Senate
Doc. "E," 1865.

Minority report of Committee on, in case of
Holton vs. Maclin—Senate Doc. "H," 1865.

Report of the Senate Committee on,—Senate
Doc. "L," 1865. .

Testimony in the contested cases before the
House of Delegates, Spence vs. Franklin—House
Doc. "D," pages 1 to 123 and 1 to 251, 1866.

Memorial of Geo. E. Gambrill contesting the,
of Sprigg Harwood and the answer of Harwood—
House Doc. "D," 1866.

Majority report of the Committee on, in case of
Gambrill vs. Harwood—House Doc. "G," 1866.

Report of Committee on, in case of Spence vs.
Franklin—House Doc. "H," 1866.

Minority report in same case—House Doc. "J,"


Report of the Committee on, on the memorials
of sundry citizens of Queen Anne's county rela-
ting to the repeal of of the Registration Law—
Senate Doc. "F," 1866.

Memorial of Wm. Devecmon and others con-
testing the, of Wm. R. McCiiley and others—
House Doc. "B," 1867.

Testimony taken on the part of sitting mem-
bers -from Allegany county contested cases, and
memorial of sitting members in response to me-
morial of contestants—House Doc. "H," 1867-

Report of Committee on, in the contested case
from Allegany county—House Doc. "O," 1867.

Minority report in same case—House Doc. "S,"


Memorial of Alfred Spates contesting the, of
Charles H. Orb—Senate Doc. "E," 1867:

ENLISTMENTS—Letter to the President on the subject of
slave,—House Doc. "A," pages 95 to 100, 1864.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 1816   View pdf image (33K)
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