JESSE TYSON, Treasurer, in account with Children's Aid Society.
October 1st, 1866.
By the Treasurer of the Children's
To Cash rec'd from contributions
To cash rec'd from merchants and
business men's banquet com.,
$2,767 07
Aid Society, for cur'nt expenses
from Oct. 1, 1865 to Oct. 1, 1866
Paid Agents and Clerks Salary
967 97
Geo. W. Herring, Char'n.....
To cash received from rent of Cal-
223 50
' Rent of Home, No. 166
W. Lombard street. ....
175 02
vert street House. ............
To cash received from rent of Lom-
325 00
" Traveling expenses (agent
and children) ..........
106 58
bard street House ...... ......
To cash received from Maryland
25 00
" Printing........... ....
" Dry Goods, Clothing &c . .
263 97
106 34
Legislature ..... ...... ......
To cash received from City Coun-
1,000 00
" Ground Rent Cal. st. house
" Water Rent, repairs, &c.,
100 00
cil of Baltimore .... . .... ....
By cash paid current expenses, as
1,000 00
Calvert Street House ....
" S. O'Bryan's commissions
1058 59
437 35
per Statement. ...............
By balance.. ....... ........... ..
$4,568 91
781 66
" Provisions, market'g, &c.,
" Sundry inciden'l expense. .
$617 96
287 80
180 00
$5,340 57
$5,340 57
" Servan't wages... .......
55 00
120 70\
To bal. on hand October 1, 1866...
$781 66
" Fuel..................
81 63
1,343 09
Baltimore, October 1, 1866.
JESSE TYSON, Treasurer.
$4,558 91