with P. N. G, a cabinet maker and Christian gentlemen, in
good circumstances. Space will not allow me to give this
home justice—a better home cannot be -procured. Boy can-
not be surpassed for nobleness of character. Mother low va-
At Middle Spring, Cumberland co., Pa., visited No. 388,
place August 31, 1864, with W. D. M., a farmer, in good
circumstances—no children, very pious family, considers this
boy their own; a splendid home. The poor child dearly loves
them. Child's mother miserably poor, father in the army.
Near Orrstown, Franklin co., Pa., visited No. 412, placed
December 6, 1864, with L. K., a Christian farmer—well off,
no children; educateSj clothes and feeds boy well, being very
fond of him, treating him as his own. Boy's father respect-
able; mother a miserable, low vagrant, hardly ever sober.
Near Orrstown, visited No. 380, placed August 28, 1864,
with S. G. B., a Christian farmer, in good circumstances—
no children, loves the boy dearly, educates and provides for
him as his own: day. school upon the place, church and Sun-
day school near. This child from Alms House.
Near Orrstown, visited No. 408, placed December 6, 1864,
with J. H., a low, closed-fisted and profane farmer—miser-
able shanty, food bad, clothing worse, education none, treat-
ment miserable. Better had the boy remained with his vagrant
mother, thief though she was. TRANSFERRED HIM TO A
Near Shippensburg, Cumberland co., Pa., visited No. 375,
placed August 30, 1864, with J. M., a farmer and highly re-
spectable Christian gentleman, as benevolent as he is wealthly
—children all grown. This girl takes their place in his
affections. Received from magistrate; mother a poor widow.
Near Shippensburg, visited No. 382, placed August 17,
1865, with G. C., a wealthy farmer—no small children, every
comfort, very much attached to the boy; being advanced in
age, is dependent on the boy, who in turn is much benefited,
his mother being dead, and father intemperate.
Near Shippensburg, visited No. 387, placed April 14,1865,
with D. M., Manufacturer, who has by every means in his
power, assisted by a pious wile, endeavored to reform the
girl, but without effect. Will not remove her, she promises
amendment. Was committed for larceny, to our care, by a
Near Middle Spring, visited No. 383, placed August 27,
1864, with W. D. McC., an old batchelor, with his mother
and sister residing with him; large farm, well cultivated ;
"boy's welfare, both temporal and spiritual, strictly promoted
—a great blessing, boy's father being a drukard.
Near Newburg, Cumberland Co. Pa., visited No. 282, placed
December 7, 1864, with H. S., a farmer—only a medium
home. The girl has good clothing, plenty to eat, and good