pliance with the command of the writ of habeas corpus hereto
annexed, by way of return thereof respectfully states that he
now produces before your honor the body of James Young;
and your respondent, for cause of the capture and detention
of the said James Young, assigns as follows :
That on Saturday, the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1866,
the said James Young was arrested in pursuance of a writ
issued from the Criminal Court of Baltimore, which said writ
or warrant of arrest, sealed with the seal of the said court, is
according to the tenor following :
[Here the warrant was recited.]
And being brought before the said court, in pursuance of
the aforegoing warrant of arrest, was, therefore, on the day
and year aforesaid, in default of bail, committed by the said
court to the custody of your respondent for and on account of
causes which, by the records of the said court, will fully ap-
And your respondent further says that he did, on the 3d
day of November, in the year aforesaid, at the city aforesaid,
receive the body of the said James Young, from one William
Thomson, who was then and there sheriff for the city of Bal-
timore, under and by virtue of two warrants of commitment,
issued by the Criminal Court of Baltimore, copies of which
said warrants are hereunto annexed and prayed to be made a
part of this return. And your respondent further says that
he now doth hold and detain the said James Young under
and by virtue of the aforesaid warrants of the commitment,,
issued in like manner by the said Criminal Court of Baltimore,
copies of which other two warrants of commitment are here-
unto annexed and prayed to be made a part of this return.
All of which is herewith respectfully submitted to your
Honor's judgment.
The warrants referred to above are as follows :
The first commitment dated November 3, is in default of
$5,000 bail for appearance to answer.
The second commitment, dated November 3, is as follows :
" By the Criminal Court of Baltimore. Ordered, that Wm.
T. Valiant and James Young give security in the sum of
$20,000, to keep the peace towards the existing police com-
missioners, and all acting under their orders, and towards the
liege inhabitants of this city, by desisting from all attempts
to act as and exercise the powers of the police commissioners,
so long as they shall not have established their claims by
law to be police commissioners for the said city, duly ap-
pointed, and the present commissioners continue in the de
facto exercise of their office."
The third and amended commitment is dated November 5th,
and charges William Thomas Valiant and James Young,