1026 INDEX.
Bill reported to repeal au Act to authorize the
Commissioners appointed by the Circuit Court of,
to divide the real estate of John Hendrix, deceased,
to convey to the purchaser the legal title to said
lands, and to re-enact the same with amendments
and read the first time, 347; read the second and
third times and passed, 410, 411; sent to the
House, 411; returned passed, 782.
House bill to authorize the County Commission-
ers of, to subscribe in behalf of said county, to the
capital stock of the Queen Anne's and Kent Coun-
ty Railroad Company, and to repeal chapter 165,
passed 1866, read and referred, 426; 'reported
without amendment and read the second time,
504, 505; read the third time and passed, 660;
returned to the House, ib.
Leave granted to report a bill to authorize the
School Commissioners of, to sell a portion of a
school lot, 478; bill reported read the first, second
and third times and passed, 515; sent to the
House, ib.
Leave granted to report a bill to incorporate
the Methodist Episcopal Church in, known as
Ebenezer Church, 512; bill reported and read the
first time, 554; read the second and third times
and passed, 592; sent to the House, ib.
Leave granted to report a bill to authorize the
County Commissioners of, to levy a local tax to
aid in the support of the public schools, 635.
PANY—House bill to incorporate the, read and
referred, 628; reported with amendments, and
read the second time, 729; amendments adopted,
788; read the third time and passed, ib.; returned
to the House, ib.
QUINLAN, CHARLES—House Joint resolution relating to
payment of a bounty to, read and referred, 506;
reported unfavorably and read the second time,
631; reported without amendment and read the
second time, 710; read the third time and passed,
811; returned to the House, ib.