Name. Address.
Dr. Henry M. Fitzhugh..........................................Westminster
Albert S. Cook.............................................................Towson
William S. Gordy, Jr...................................................Salisbury
C. R. Disharoon..................................................................Salisbury
L. W. Gunby...................................................................Salisbury
Orlando Harrison ....................................................................Berlin
John B. Robins.......................................................Crisfield
By Joint Resolution No. 21 of the General Assembly of 1922 the
above Commission was created and. the personnel named.
The Commission shall submit a report to the General Assembly of
1924, with such recommendations as it may deem proper for the estab-
lishment of a State Normal School on the Eastern Shore. The Com-
mission is also authorized to prepare plans for a school building and
to select a site.
Salisbury, Maryland.
(Formerly Pine Bluff.)
Ex-Officio Members;
Name. Postoffice.
Governor Albert C. Ritchie....................................................Annapolis
Treasurer John M. Dennis.......................................................Riderwood
Comptroller William S. Gordy, Jr......................................Salisbury
Name. Term Expires. . Postoffice.
William M. Cooper.....................1924 ......................... Salisbury
Jease D. Price..................1924 ......................... Salisbury
L. AtwoodBennett.......................1924 ..................... Salisbury
J. McFadden Dick.........................1926 ............................ Salisbury
Joseph L. Bailey............... ................1926 ................... Salisbury
Jamea E. Ellegood........................1926 .................... Salisbury
Paul E. Watson..........................1928 ........................ Salisbury
W. R. Disharoon............................1928 .......................... Salisbury
Rex Taylor ..................1928 .......................... Salisbury
The Board of Managers consists of the Governor, Treasurer and
Comptroller, and nine others. The General Assembly of 1922 repealed
the original Act creating the Pine Bluff Sanatorium Board and in its
stead created the Eastern Shore Tuberculosis Sanatorium.
The first appointments under the Act are made by the Governor
alone, three tor two years, three for four years, and three for six years
from June 15, 1922. As these terms expire successors are appointed
by the Governor, with the consent of the Senate, for the full term of
six years from June 15. (Chapter 326, 1922.)