Governor appoints three for two years from appointment, one master
barber and two journeyman barbers. (Ch. 226, 1904.)
The duties of the Barber Examiners are to examine and license all
barbers who have come into the State and all apprentices who have
served their three-year term since May 1, 1904, and to see that the
barber shops that have started in business since the above date should
be run according to sanitary rules as laid down by the Board and ap-
proved by the Board of Health. Board meetings on Mondays from
2 to 5 P.M.
Union Trust Building, Baltimore.
(All Terms Expire 1924.) ....
Name. Postoffice.
Harry Cluster ...................................................................Baltimore .
John H. G.Bedfrd..................................................................Baltimore
William H. Miller...............................................................Baltimore
(governor bi-enially appoints in and for Baltimore City three; one
from Board of Fire Underwriters' Association, one licensed moving pic-
ture machine operator, a member of the Moving Picture Operators'
Union, one exhibitor licensed to operate motion picture machines; all
.of whom have had not less than .three years' experience at the business
and who have resided in Baltimore City for not less than two years "
next preceding their appointment. (Ch. 195, 1918.)
' It is the duty of this Board to examine and license operators of
moving picture machines, and has supervision over the same, in Balti-
more City only.
Brown Arcade Building, Baltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
Hedley V. Carter........................l925 .......................... Baltimore
Aloha Kirkpatrick.....................1923 ................................Baltimore
J. S.' Johnson.............................................1925 ........................Hagerstown
Richard G. Stevenson............................l925 ..........................Hagerstown
Henry McMains .........................1923 ............................... Baltimore
Governor appoints five from a full list of members in good standing
of the Maryland Oateopathic Association, to for 1 year, two for 2
years, and one for 3 years, and as these terms expire the successor is
, appointed for 3 years from the first day of June. (Ch. 786,1914.)
The Maryland Board of Osteopathic Examiners on receiving appli-
cations for license to practice Osteopathy within the State, investigate
credentials of said applicant and if they meet the requirements, a
license is issued by said Examining Board. Two stated meetings are
held each year for the examining of such applicants whose credentials
will not warrant the issuing of a license through the previous practice,
or Reciprocity Acts. Said Examining Board co-operates with muni.
cipal and State officials in enforcing the laws regulating the practice.