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Maryland Manual, 1922
Volume 132, Page 51   View pdf image (33K)
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who may be paroled by the Governor, and keep records showing the
actions, earnings, etc., of the said paroled prisoners during their time,
reporting at once to the Governor the violation of any of the terms of
their parole.

in pursuing its investigations, the Commissioner has power to summons
witnesses and to examine them on their oath when necessary.
The Commission has visitorial powers over every institution to which
prisoners, whether adult or minors, are committed that receive aid
from the State, city or private sources.

1106-1107 Fidelity Building, Baltimore, Md.

Commissioners: Address. Term Expires.

James A. Latane, Chairman......................Baltimore City.....................1926
K Clay Timanus...............................Baltimore City......................1924
Jervis Spencer, Jr.................................Baltimore County..................1928

Jas. F. Hayward.....................................................Baltimore City

Stenographer and Bookkeeper;
Nannie C. Kreis...........................................Baltimore County

George Brown, Jr............................................Baltimore County


Wm. Bradley Carr ( Chief )......................................Rockville, Md.
Thomas A. Berney...........................................Baltimore City
William V. Conran............................................Baltimore City


John E. Charshee..................................................Havre de Grace, Md.

Carlos M. de Garmendia......................................Tuscarora, Md.

The law creating the Maryland Commission was passed at the legis-
lative session of 1920, going into effect on June 1st of that year. The
Commission is given authority to issue licenses for all horse races
where purses, stakes or rewards are given, under such conditions as
it deems wise.


Term Expires in March, 1924.)

Name. Postoffice.
John C. Blacklock..............................................................Bel Alton

Governor, without Senate confirmation, appoints one for two years
from 1st Monday in March. (Ch. 39, 1920.)

Chapter 39 of the Acts of 1920 provided that the Tobacco Inspector
who had heretofore been appointed by the State Board of Agriculture,


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Maryland Manual, 1922
Volume 132, Page 51   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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