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Maryland Manual, 1922
Volume 132, Page 46   View pdf image (33K)
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Deaf, Maryland Industrial Training School for Girls and Maryland
Training School for Boys.

The Chairman of the Bureau appoints a Secretary who shall be
known as the Purchasing Agent.

All materials, supplies and articles for the use of the State's
Departments, Commissions and Institutional are purchased through this
Bureau. (Ch. 184, 1920.)


Name. Postoffice. Term Expires.

Ogle Marbury, Chairman..........Laurel .........................................1923

Robert H. Carr, Treas......................Baltimore ................... ..................1923
Robert D. Case, Secretary.

The Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints three mem-
bers, one for two years, one for three years, and one for four years,
and as these terms expire a successor is appointed for a full term of
six years. The Governor designates a Chairman of the Board.

The Board was created for the purpose of executing the affairs of
the penal institutions of the State and the Act creating it abolishes
the Boards of Managers of the Maryland Penitentiary and the Mary-
land House of Correction. (Ch. 556, 1916.)

During the six years of its existence this Board has made a study
of prison conditions in Maryland and other States. Its recommenda-
tions were embodied in a special report to the Governor under date of
June 27, 1921. Its recommendations for the establishment of a shoe
shop to make shoes for inmates of State Institutions, a printing plant
to do printing for the State Departments, and an automobile tag plant
to make tags for Maryland and other States were adopted by the Gov-
ernor and by the General Assembly of 1922, and appropriations for
"these purposes placed in the bond issues. Appropriations amounting
to $120,000.00 will become available on August 15, 1922, and $20,000.00
additional will become available on February IS, 1923. The shoe shop
has already been established and now makes shoes for the inmates of
all Maryland institutions. Plans for the printing plant are rapidly
being completed, and it is expected to be installed and running in the
Penitentiary during the current year. The automobile tag plant should
be ready to make 1924 tags.

22 Light Street, Baltimore.

(Term of Commissioner Expires 1926. Employees are in the classified

Service. )

Name. Postoffice.

Oliver C. Short...............................................................Baltimore

Secretary and Chief Examiner:



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Maryland Manual, 1922
Volume 132, Page 46   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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