Reorganization of State Departments.
One of the most important pieces of legislation passed by
the General Assembly of 1922 is what is known as the Re-
organization Bill. This Act provides for a complete reor-
ganization of the various State departments. It started
with a survey made of State departments by a group of
experts employed by the Governor. The report made by the
experts was submitted to a Commission appointed by the
Governor for the purpose of framing a plan of reorganiza-
tion for submission to the General Assembly. The plan
adopted by the Commission was approved in the platform
of the Democratic party, and the bill carrying the plan
into effect was passed at the Session of 1922.
Another important piece of legislation passed as the re-
sult of the work of the Commission is what is known as the
Fewer Elections Amendment. This amendment to the Con-
stitution provides for holding all State and County elec-
tions once every four years. The amendment will be voted
on at the election to be held in November, 1922.
The inembers of the Commission on Beorganization ap-
pointed by the Governor are as follows:
Chairman, Hon. N. Charles Burke, Baltimore County.
Secretary, Allan O. Girdwood, Baltimore County.
Baltimore City:
Dr. Florence Bamberger.
Robert Biggs, State Senator.
Carroll T. Bond, Associate Judge Supreme Bench of Baltimore
Henry F. Broening, President Baltimore Federation of Labor.
Mrs. Edward F. Buchner.
Mrs. Francis King Carey.
Charles P. Coady, formerly Congressman and State Senator.
Mrs. Sydney P.Cone, President Federation of Jewish. Women .
Samuel K. Dennis, former United States District Attorney.
Mrs. Charles E. Ellicott, President Maryland League of Women
Eli Frank.
Dr. J. M. T. Finney.
George Arnold Frick, State Senator and former Member House
of Delegates.
Frank A. Furst, President Arundel Corporation.
A. S. Goldsborough, Secretary Merchants and Manufacturers'
B. Howell Griswold, Jr., President Board of Trade; Alexander
Brown & Sons. ,
Henry D. Harlan, former Chief Judge Supreme Bench of Balti-
more City.