opportunity to he heard and submit to the Commission their reason
for believing that the Commission should withhold the order permit-
ting the things to be done under the application filed.
Garrett Building, Baltimore.
Name. Postoffice.
John N. Mackall, Chairman and Chief Engineer...............Baltimore
Omar D. Crothers.................................................................Blkton
D. C. Winebrenner...........................................................Frederick
L. H. Steuart........................... ..................................................Baltimore
The State Roads Commission, consisting of three members ap-
pointed by the Governor, has direct control over .the construction and
maintenance of a system of highways throughout the State. The Com-
mission also has authority over the building of "lateral" roads not
included in the main or trunk line system. Plans and specifications
are prepared, the contracts awarded, and the work of construction
supervised by the State Roads Commission. The cost of "lateral" roads
is shared equally by the State and Counties, the allotment of State
funds to the counties being based upon road mileage. (Acts 1918,
Chapter 224, Section 33.)
The system of trunk line roads, built and maintained entirely at
the expense of the State, was authorized by the Legislature in 1908,
and bond issues amounting to approximately $28,000,000 have been
authorized to and including the Legislature of 1922. (Acts 1908,
Chapter 141.)
The Legislature of 1&20 provided an appropriation of $3,000,000,
and the Legislature of 1922, $3,150,000, to be used for the construc-
tion of rural post roads, lateral roads and the extension of the State
road system, with the assistance of funds from the United States Gov-
ernment and the several counties of the State. The principal amount
of these loans shall be paid upon the serial annuity plan, and all
within fifteen years after the issuance thereof. (Acts 1920, Chapter
508.Acts 1922, Chapter 203.)
Funds for the maintenance of State highways are provided from the
receipts of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles from license fees, etc.
The last Legislature passed an Act to impose a tax of 2 cents per
gallon on gasoline on and after January 1, 1924, in lieu of the present
license fees or a part of same imposed on motor vehicles. (Acts 1922,
Chapter 522.)
The following statement- gives in condensed form the work accom-
plished by the State Roads Commission:
Total mileage completed roads to December 31, 1919........................ 1,511.45
Mileage completed during 1920................................................... 154.64
Mileage completed during 1921......................................................... 158.08
Total mileage completed roads to December 31, 1921.................. 1,824.17
Total mileage concrete shoulders December 31, 1920............................ 70.89
Mileage concrete shoulders completed during 1921............................ 14.56
Total mileage concrete shoulders, December 31, 1921........... 85.45