Walter B. Warner ............................... .Baltimore
Louis B. Keene.................................... Annapolis
T. Carroll Worthington. .......................... .Annapolis
D. Ardin Carrick .................................. Baltimore
Andreas Z. Holley ................................ Annapolis
R. Ernest Smith ............................Upper Marlboro
Edna C. Oldfield ................................. .Baltimore
J. Philip Beall.................................... Annapolis
The Comptroller is elected by the people for a term of two years
from the third Monday in January next ensuing his election, and ap-
points all officers in his office.
The Comptroller shall have the general superintendence of the fiscal
affairs of the State; he shall digest and prepare plans for the improve-
ment and management of the revenue, and for the support of the pub-
lic credit; prepare and report estimates of the revenue and expendi-
tures of the State; superintend and enforce the prompt collection of
all taxes and revenue; adjust and settle on terms prescribed by law,
with delinquent collectors and receivers of taxes and State revenue;
preserve all public accounts; decide on the forms of keeping and stat-
ing accounts; grant, under regulations, prescribed by law, all warrants
for money to be paid out of the Treasury, in pursuance of appropria-
tions by law, and countersign all checks drawn by the Treasurer upon
any bank or banks, in which the moneys of the State may, from time
to time, be deposited; prescribe the formalities of the transfer of
stock, or other evidence of the State debt, and countersign the same,
without which such evidence shall not be valid; he shall make to the
General Asacmbly full reports of all hia proceedings, and of the atate
of the treasury department, within ten days after the commencement
of each session; and perform such other duties a» shall be prescribed
by law.
Name. Postoffice.
State Treasurer:
John M. Dennis................................... Riderwood
Chief Clerk:
Join Z. Bayless.........:..,,................ Havre de Grace
Assistant Clerks:
Milton L. Tull. .................................. .Annapolis
Millard F. Rice.................................... Jefferson
Charles M. Speicher. ............................... Accident
Helen E. Poist.................................... Baltimore
F. Blanche Richardson............................. Annapolig