Emma Dickerson ................................. Annapolis
Rebecca Freeman .................................Annapolis
Margaret Carr ................................... Annapolis
Alice Crutchley ................................... Annapolis
Eliza Cannan .....................................Annapolis
Rose White ....................................... Annapolis
Maud Beall ....................................... Annapolis
Mary F. Price..................................... Annapolis
Henrietta Thomas ................................. Annapolis
Ellen Barrett ..................................... Annapolis
The Superintendent and all officers in his department are appointed
by the Governor. (Ch. 551, 1906.)
The Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds is the custo-
dian of all public buildings and grounds located in the City of Anna-
It is his duty to superintend the protection of buildings and their
contents, to purchase supplies therefor and to keep in repair the State's
Baltimore, Maryland.
Name. Postoffice, Term Expires.
Dr. Henry J. Berkley.............Baltimore ................... 1923
Dr. Henry M. Hurd.............. Baltimore ...................1924
Dr. Hugh H. Young.............. Baltimore .....................1921
Dr. George H. Hockerly. ......... Govans ..................... 1922
Dr. Arthur P. Hering, Secretary.. 330 N. Charles St., Baltimore
The Commission consists of the Attorney-General and four mem-
bers appointed by the Governor; one annually for a term of four
years from the first Monday in May. Three of those appointed shall
be residents of Baltimore City, two of whom shall be physicians.
(Bagby Code, Art. 59, Sees. 13,' 14, 15.)
The State Lunacy Commission lias supervision over all institutions,
public, corporate or private, in which insane persons are detained.
The Secretary of the Commission, or one inember thereof is required
at least once every six months to visit all institutions in the State,
including almshouses, jails, etc., where the insane are kept. This
Commission makes an annual report to the Governor in the month of