Congress. Name. Years.
34—35.. ......... .Bowie, Thomas F.................... .1855-1859
34—36—38.. ..... .Davis, Henry Winter. ...... .1855-1861, 1863-1865
34—36............ Harris, J. Morrison................... 1855-1861
34............... .Hoffman, Henry W. ................ ..1855-1857
34—35.. ......... .Ricaud, James B. .......... ......... ..1855-1859
34—36. ........... Stewart, James A.................... 1855-1861
35—36. .......... .Kunckel, Jacob M. ................... .1857-1861
36.............. ..Hughes, George W................... .1859-1861
36—39. .......... .Webster, Edwin H. ................. ..1859-1865
37................ Calvert, Charles B................... .1861-1863
37............... .Leary, Cornelius L. L. ............... .1861-1863
+38............... .Creswell, John A. J................. ..1863-1865
38—39. ......... ..Harris, Benjamin Gwinn. ........... ..1863-1865
39................ McCullough, Hiram ................. .1865-1867
39—40. .......... .Phelps, Charles E. ................... .1865-1869
39............... .Thomas, John L. Jr (1). ................ .1865-1869
40—43. .......... .Archer, Stevenson ................... .1867-1875
40—41.. ......... .Stone, Frederick ................... ..1867-1871
41—42.. ......... .Hambleton, Samuel ................. ..1869-1873
41.............. ..Hamill, Patrick ..................... .1869-1871
41—45. .......... .Swann, Thomas .................... ..1869-1879
42................Merrick, William M...................1871-1873
42............... .Ritchie, John ....................... .1871.1873
43 .............. .Albert William J................... ..IS'i3 1875
43.............. ..Lowndes, Lloyd, Jr................. ..1873-1875
43—44. .......... .O'Brien, William J........ ........ ..1873-1877
+43.............. ..Wilson, Ephraim K. ................ ..1873-1875
44—16. .......... .Henkle, Eli J....................... .1875-1881
44—15. .......... .Roberts, Charles B.................. ..1875-1879
44............. ...Thomas, Philip F.....................1875.1877
44—15. ...........Walsh, William .................... ..1875-1879
45............... .Henry, Daniel M.................... ..1877-1881
45—46. .......... .Kimmell, William .................. -.1877-1881
46—47............ McLane, Robert M....................1879-1883
62-63-64-65. .... .Talbot, J. Fred. C (5).... .1879-1885, 1903-1918
46—47. .......... .Urner, Milton G... .................. .1879-1883
47............... .Chapman, Andrew G................ . 1881-1883
47—48.. ........ ..Covinton, Geo. W.................. .1881-85
47—48.. ........ .Poblitzell, Fetter S. ..................1881-1885
48—49.. ......... .Findlay, John V. L................. ..1883-87
48............... .Holton, Hart B...................... .1883-1885
+48—51. ......... ..McComas, Louis E.................. ..1883-1891
49.............. ..Cole, William H (1)................... ..1885-1887
49—53. ......... .Compton, Barnes (2)........ ..1885-1889, 1891-1895
+49—51.. ......... .Gibbon, Charles H.................. ..1885-1889
49—54. .......... .Rusk, Harry Welles (3). ................ .1886-1897
49—50. .......... .Shaw, Frank T. ...................... .1885-1889
50—52—53. ...... .Bayner Isidor .......... ..1887-1888, 1891-1890
61.............. .Mudd, Sydney E.(4). 1891-1893-1897-1899, 1901-1911
51.............. ..Stockbridge, Henry W............... ..1889-1901
51—52............ Stump, Herman ...................... 1889-1893
52................Brown, John B.......................1893-1895
1 Elected to fill vacancy; B. H. Webster, resigned.
1 Died 1886.
2 Unseated from 5-st Congress in favor of Sydney E. Mudd.
3 Elected to fill vacancy; vice William H. Cole, deceased.