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Maryland Manual, 1921-22
Volume 131, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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The public school system of Baltimore is separate and distinct
from the school system of the State, is controlled by a board of nine
members appointed by the Mayor of Baltimore, and not under the
jurisdiction of the State Board of Education.

Isaac S. Field, President.

Addison E. Mullikin, Mrs. J. W. Putts,
John W. Edel, Theodore E. Straus,
Charles J. F. Steiner, Dr. Frank J. Goodnow,
Frederick J. Singley, Warren S. Seipp.

Henry S. West ............................ Baltimore

First Assistant:
Charles A. A. J. Miller............................Baltimore

Assistant Superintendent:
David E. Weglein.................................. Baltimore


The University of Maryland is located at College Park in Prince
George's County, on the line of the Washington branch of the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad, eight miles from Washington and thirty-two
miles from Baltimore. The grounds front on the Baltimore and Wash-
ington Boulevard. The Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry
and Law of the University are located in Baltimore at the corner of
Lombard and Greene Streets.


The government of the University is vested by law primarily in
a Board of Regents, consisting of nine members appointed by the
Governor for terms of nine years. These Regents are:

Samuel M. Shoemaker, Eccleston, Maryland.
Robert Grain, Mt. Victoria, Maryland.
John M. Dennia, Union. Trust Co., Baltimore, Maryland.
Dr. Frank J. Goodnow, 6 W. Madison St., Baltimore, Md.
John E. Raine, 413 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md.
Charles C. Gelder, Princess Anne, Maryland.
Dr. W. W. Skinner, Kensington, Maryland.
B. John Black, Roslyn, Maryland.
Henry Holzapfel, Hagerstown, Maryland.

The administration of the University is vested in the President.
The University Council, composed of the President, the assistant to
the President, the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station,
and the Director of the Agricultural and Home Economics Extension
Service, and the Deans, acts as an advisory board to the President on
all phases of University work. The faculty of each college or school
constitutes a faculty council, which passes on all questions that have
exclusive relationship to the unit represented.

Pending permanent co-ordination and reorganization of some de-
partments, the following educational organizations are in effect:


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Maryland Manual, 1921-22
Volume 131, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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