Garrett Building. Baltimore.
Name. Postoffice.
John N. Mackall, Chairman. ...................... .Baltimore
Omar D. Crothers ................................... .Elkton
D. C. Winebrenner. ............................... .Frederick
L. H. Steuart .................................... Baltimore
The Governor appoints three members. (Ch. 575, 1916.)
This Commission has entire supervision over the construction and
maintenance of the roads built under the State Road and State-Aid
(Chapter 575, Acts of 1916.)
This Commission has entire supervision over the construction and
maintenance of roads built under the State Road and State Aid Laws,
The Commission maintains the State roads with receipts from motor
vehicle license fees collected by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles.
These funds are also used to maintain such State-aided roads as have
been put in good repair by the counties, and turned over to the
Maryland Racing Commission for permanent maintenance by it.
Provision was made in Chapter 508 of the Acts of 1920 for the
issuance of $3,000,000.00 of bonds, the proceeds of which are to be
used by the State Roads Commission, first, for the purpose of meeting
any obligations imposed upon the State by its assent to any Act of
Congress appropriating Federal aid to the several states in the construction
of rural post roads; and second, the remainder of said pro-
ceeds shall be used with an equal sum to be raised by the several
counties of the State for the purpose of building such lateral roads in
said counties as may be selected by the State Roads Commission, the
money expended for -such loads in each of said counties to be de-
termined according to the road mileage of their respective county
Union Trust Bldg., Baltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
William W. Beck, Chairman. 1924 .................. .Chestertown
Oscar Leser (Minority... . . .1922 .................... .Baltimore
J. Enos Ray ..............1926 ....................... Chillum
Charles C. Wallace. ................................ .Baltimore
The State Tax Commission was created by the General Assembly
of 1914, Chapter 841.
The Act creating the Commission designated the personnel of the
first Board, which was composed of Arthur P. German, Jr., as Chair-
man, Lewin W. Wickes, and Oscar Leser, who was the minority mem-
ber. As the terms of the several Commissioners expire the Governor
appoints a successor for a term of six years from the date of appoint-