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Maryland Manual, 1919-20
Volume 130, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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by themselves or by their Captains or other Officers, to sum-
mon to their Standards, or to array all Men, of whatso-
ever Condition) or wheresoever born for the Time being, in
the said Province of MARYLAND, to wage War, and to pur-
sue, even beyond the Limits of their Province, the Enemies
and Ravagers aforesaid, infesting those Parts by Land and by
Sea., and (if GOD shall grant it) to vanquish and captivate
them, and the Captives to put to Death, or, according to their
Discretion, to save, and to do all other and singular the
Things which appertain, or have been accustomed to apper-
tain unto the Authority and Office of a Captain-General of an

XIII We also WILL, and by this our CHARTER, do Give
onto the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, and to his
Heirs and Assigns, Power, Liberty and Authority, that, in
Case of Rebellion, sudden Tumult or Sedition, if any (which
GOD forbid) should happen to arise, whether upon Land
within the PROVINCE aforesaid, or upon the High Sea in mak-
ing a Voyage to the said PROVINCE of MARYLAND, or in re-
turning thence, they may, by themselves, or by their Captains,
or other Officers, thereunto deputed under their Seals (to
whom WE, for US, our Heirs and Successors, by these Pres-
ents, do Give and Grant the fullest Power and Authority)
exercise Martial Law as freely, and in as ample Manner and
Form, as any Captain-General of any Army, by virtue of his
Office may, or hath accustomed to use the same, against the
seditious Authors of Innovations in those Parts, withdrawing
themselves from the Government of him or them, refusing to
serve in War, flying over to the Enemy, exceeding their Leave
of Absence, Deserters, or otherwise howsoever offending
against the Rule, Law, or Discipline of War.

XIV. MOREOVER, lest in so remote and far distant a Region,
every Access to Honours and Dignities may seem to be pre-
cluded, and utterly barred to Men well born, who are prepar-
ing to engage in the present Expedition, and desirous of
deserving well, both in Peace and War, of US, and our King-
doms ; for this Cause, We, for US, our Heirs and Successors,
do give free and plenary Power to the aforesaid now Baron of
BALTIMORE, and to his Heirs and Assigns, to confer Fa-
vours, Rewards, Honours, upon such Subjects, inhabiting
within the PROVINCE aforesaid, as shall be well deserving, and
to adorn them with whatsoever Titles and Dignities they shall
appoint; (so that they be not such as are now used in Eng-
land) also to erect and incorporate Towns into Buroughs, and
buroughs into CITIES, with suitable Privileges And Immuni-
ties, according to the Merits of the Inhabitants, and Conven-
ience of the places; and to do ail and singular other Things
in the Premisses, which to him or them shall seem fitting and


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Maryland Manual, 1919-20
Volume 130, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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