SEC. 34. No appeal shall lie to the Supreme Bench of Bal-
timore City from the decision of the judge or the judges hold-
ing the Baltimore City Court in case of appeal from a Justice
of the Peace; but the decision by said judge or judges. shall
be final; and all writs and other process issued out of either
of said courts, requiring attestation, shall be attested in the
name of the Chief Judge of the said Supreme Bench of Bal-
timore City.
SEC. 35. Three of the judges of said Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City shall constitute a quorum of said court.
SEC. 36. All causes depending, at the adoption of this
Constitution, in the Superior Court of Baltimore City, the
Court of Common Pleas, the Criminal Court of Baltimore,
and the Circuit Court of Baltimore City, shall be proceeded
in, and prosecuted to final Judgment or decree, in the courts
respectively of the same name established by this Constitu-
tion, except cases belonging to that class, jurisdiction over
which is by this Constitution transferred to the Baltimore
City Court, all of which shall, together with all cases now
pending in the City Court of Baltimore, be proceeded in and
prosecuted to final judgment in said Baltimore City Court.
Orrick vs. Boehm, 49 Md., 72.
SEC. 37. There, shall be a clerk of each of the said courts
of Baltimore city, except the Supreme Bench, who shall be
elected by the legal and qualified voters of said city, at the
election to be held in said city on the Tuesday next after the
first Monday of November, in the year eighteen hundred and
sixty-seven, and shall hold his office for six years from the
time of bis election, and. until his successor is elected and
qualified, and be re-eligible thereto, subject to be removed, for
willful neglect of duty or other misdemeanor in office, on con-
viction in a court of law. The salary of each of the said clerks
shall be thirty-five hundred dollars a year, payable only oat
of the fees and receipts collected by the clerks of said city,
and they shall be entitled to no other perquisites or compensa-
tion. In case of a vacancy in the office of clerk of any of said
courts, the judges of said Supreme Bench, of Baltimore City
shall have power to fill such vacancy until the general elec-
tion of Delegates to the General Assembly to be held next
thereafter, when a clerk of said court shall be elected to serve
for six years thereafter; and the provisions of this Article in
relation to the appointment of deputies by the clerks of the
Circuit Courts in the comities shall apply to the Clerks of the
courts in Baltimore city.
Wells vs. Monroe, 86 Md., 450. Vansant vs. State, 96 Md., 127.
Sue. 38. The clerk of the Court of Common Pleas shall
have authority to issue within said city all marriage and other