Court of Baltimore city and the Court of Common Pleas now
have, except jurisdiction in equity, and except in applica-
tions for the benefit of the insolvent laws of Maryland, and
in cases of appeal from judgments of Justices of the Peace in
said city, whether civil or criminal, or arising under the ordi-
nances of tire Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, of all of
which appeal cases the Baltimore City Court shall have ex-
clusive jurisdiction; and the said Court of Common Pleas
shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all applications for tile
benefit of the insolvent laws of Maryland, and the supervision
and control of the trustees thereof.
State vs. Mace, 5 Md., 337. Manly vs. State, 7 Md., 135. Abbott vs.
Gatch, 13 Md., 314. Miller vs. Barroll, 14 Md., 173. Van Nostrand vs.
Carr, 30 Md., 128. Page vs. Mayor and C. C. of Balto., 84 Md., 558.
Rohr vs. Anderson, 51 Md., 205. Reese vs. Hawkes, 63 Md., 130.
SEC. 29. The Circuit Court of Baltimore City shall have
exclusive jurisdiction in equity within the limits of said city,
and all such jurisdiction as the present Circuit Court of Bal-
timore City has; provided, the said court shall not have juris-
diction in applications for the writ of habeas corpus in cases
of persons charged with criminal offenses.
SEC. 30. The Criminal Court of Baltimore shall have and
exercise all the jurisdiction now held and exercised by the
Criminal Court of Baltimore, except in such appeal cases as
are herein assigned to the Baltimore City Court.
SEC. 31. There shall be elected by the legal and qualified
voters of said city, at the election, hereinbefore provided for,
one Chief Judge and four Associate Judges, who, together,
shall constitute the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, and
shall hold their offices for the terms of fifteen years, subject to
the provisions of this Constitution with regard. to the election
and qualifications of judges and their removal from office,
and shall exercise the jurisdiction, hereinafter specified, and
shall each receive an annual salary of three thousand five hun-
dred dollars,* payable quarterly, which shall not be diminished
during their term of office; but authority is hereby given to
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to pay to each of
the said judges an annual addition of five hundred, dollars to
their respective salaries; provided, that the same being once
granted shall not be diminished nor increased during the
continuance of said Judges in office.
SEC. 32. It shall be the duty of the. said Supreme Bench
of Baltimore City, as soon as the judges thereof shall be elect-
ed and duly qualified, and from time to time, to provide for
the holding of each of the aforesaid courts, by the assign-
ment of one or more of their number to each of the said
Increased by Act of 1892, Chapter 388, to tour thousand five hundred dol-