Part II—Court of Appeals.
SEC. 14. The Court of Appeals shall be composed of the
Chief Judges of the first seven of the several judicial circuits
of the State and a judge from the city of Baltimore specially
elected thereto, one of whom shall be designated by the Gov-
ernor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, as
the Chief Judge; and in all cases until action by the Senate
can be had, the judge so designated by the Governor shall act
as Chief Judge. The Judge of the Court of Appeals from the
city of Baltimore shall be elected by the qualified voters of
Mid city at the election of judges to be held therein, as herein-
before provided; and in addition to his duties as Judge of the
Court of Appeals, shall perform such other duties as the Gen-
eral Assembly shall prescribe. The jurisdiction of said Court
of Appeals shall be co-extensive with the limits of the State,
and such as now is or may hereafter be prescribed by law. It
shall hold its sessions in the city of Annapolis, on the first
Monday in April, and the first Monday in October; [on the
second Monday in January, the first Monday in April and the
first Monday in October] * of each and every year, or at such
other times as the General Assembly may by law direct. Its
sessions shall continue not less than ten months in the year,
if the business before it shall so require; and it shall be com-
petent for the judges temporarily to transfer their sittings
elsewhere upon sufficient cause.
Van Nostrand vs. Carr, 30 Md., 128. State vs. Shields, 49 Md., 301.
Sevinsky vs. Wagus, 76 Md., 335. Hendrick vs. State, 115 Md.
SEC. 15. Four of said judges shall constitute a quorum;
no cause shall be decided without the concurrence of at least
three; but the judge who heard the cause below shall not par-
ticipate in the decision; in every case an opinion, in writing,
shall be filed within three months after the argument or sub-
mission of the cause; and the judgment of the court shall be
final and conclusive; and all cases shall stand for hearing at
the first term after the transmission of the record.
Johns vs. Johns, 20 Md., 58. Wells vs. Monroe, 86 Md., 450.
SEC. 16. Provision shall be made by law for publishing re-
ports of all causes argued and determined in the Court of
Appeals, which the judges shall designate as proper for pub-
SEC. 17. There shall be a Clerk of the Court of Appeals,
who shall be elected by the legal and qualified voters of the
State, who shall hold his office for six years, and until his suc-
cessor is disqualified; he shall be subject to removal by the
said court for incompetency, neglect of duty, misdemeanor
Terms thus arranged by Act of 1886, Chapter 185.