SEC. 40. The General Assembly shall enact no law author-
izing private property to be taken for public use, without just
compensation as agreed upon between the parties, or awarded
by a jury, being first paid or tendered to the party entitled
to such compensation.
C. & O. Canal Co. vs. B. & O. Railroad Co., 4 G. & J. 1. Tidewater
Canal Co. vs. Archer, 9 G. & J., 479. B. & S. Railroad vs. Compton,
2 Gill, 20. Alexander vs. Mayor, &c., of Balto., 5 Gill, 383. Binney's
Case, 2 BL, 99. Waring vs. Waring, 2 Bl., 673. Hepburn's Case, 3
Bl., 95. Compton vs. The Susquehanna Railroad, 3 Bl„ 386. Balti-
more vs. McKim, 3 Bl„ 453. Hamilton vs. Annapolis & Elkridge Rail-
road Co., 1 Md., Ch. 107. Harness vs. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co., 1
Md., Ch. 248. Hamilton vs. Annapolis & Elkridge Railroad Co., 1 Md.,
553. Hoye vs. Swan, 5 Md., 237. Moale vs. Mayor, &c„ of Balto., 5
Md., 314. Steuart vs. Mayor, &c., of Balto., 7 Md., 50. Graff vs. Mayor,
&c., Balto., 10 Md., 544. Beddall vs. Bryan, 14 Md., 444. Western
Md. B. R. Co. vs. Owings, 15 Md., 199. Kane vs. Mayor, &c., of Balto.,
15 Md., 240. State vs. Graves, 19 Md., 369. Donglass vs. Boonsborough
Turnpike B. Co., 22 Md., 229. Western Md. B. B. Co. vs. Patterson,
37 Md., 125. State vs. Consolidation Coal Co., 46 Md., 1. Mayor, &c.,
of Cumberland vs. Wilison, 50 Md., 138. P. R. R. Co. vs. B. & O. B. B.
Co., 60 Md., 267. American Telephone Co. vs. Pearce, 71 Md., 535.
Ulman vs. M. & C. C. Balto., 72 Md., 587-609. Helfrick vs. Catonsville
Water Co., 74 Md., 269. O'Brien vs. Balto. Belt B. B. Co., 74 Md., 363.
Balto. Belt Railroad Co. vs. Baltzell, 75 Md., 94. Mayor, &c„ Balto. vs.
Ulman, 79 Md., 469. Van Witsen vs. Gutman, 79 Md., 405. Garrett vs.
Lake Roland Elevated R. R. Co., 79 Md., 277. Deems vs. Mayor and
City Council of Balto., 80 Md., 164. Balto. and Eastern Shore B. R.
vs. Spring, 80 Md., 510. Turnpike Co. vs. B. B. Co., 81 Md., 247. Mayor
& City Council of Balto., et al. vs. The Keeley Institute, 81 Md., 106.
Baumgardner vs. Fowler, 82 Md., 631. Poole vs. Falls Boad Ry., 88
Md., 536. Coehran vs. Preston, 108 Md. Bond vs. M. & C. C. of Balti-
more, 116 Md. People vs. Western Maryland Railway, 119 Md. Ridgley
vs. Baltimore, 119 Md.
SEC. 40A. The General Assembly shall enact no law au-
thorizing private property to be taken for public use without
just compensation, to be agreed upon between the parties or
awarded by a jury, being first paid or tendered to the party
entitled to such compensation, but where such property is
situated in Baltimore city and is desired by this State or by
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, the General Assem-
bly may provide for the appointment of appraisers by a Court
of Record to value such property, and that, upon payment of
the amount of such valuation to the party entitled to compen-
sation, or into Court and securing the payment of any further
sum that may be awarded by a jury, such property may be
SEC. 41. Any citizen of this State who shall, after the
adoption of this Constitution, either in or out of this State,
fight a duel with deadly weapons, or send or accept a chal-
lenge so to do, or who shall act as a second, or knowingly aid
*Thus added by Chapter 402, Acts of 1912, ratified by the people November