vs. Stoll, 52 Md., 435. Maryland Agricultural College vs. Keating, 58
Md., 580. Strife] vs. Maryland Institute for the Blind, 61 Md., 144.
Slymen vs. State, 62 Md., 237. State vs. Norris, 70 Md., 91. Trustees
Catholic, etc., vs. Manning, 72 Md., 116. Ellicott City vs. Speed, 72 Md.,
22. Commrs. Calvert Co. vs. Hellen, 72 Md., 605. Schart vs. Tasker, 73
Md., 378. Lankford vs. Commrs. Somerset Co., 73 Md., 105. Gans vs.
Carter, 77 Md., 1. Bond vs. State, 78 Md., 523. Drennen vs. Banks, 80
Md. 310. Whitman vs. State, 80 Md., 410. Mayor & C C. Balto. vs.
Keeley Institute, 81 Md., 106. State vs. Applegarth, 81 Md., 293. Gar-
rison vs. Hill, 81 Md., 551. State vs. Schultz Gas, etc., 83 Md., 58. State
vs. Benzinger, 83 Md., 481. Plinney vs. Sheppard Hospital, 88 Md., 636.
Steeken vs. State, 88 Md., 710. Stevens vs. State, 89 Md., 670. Luman
vs. Hitchens, 90 Md., 14. Mealy vs. Hagerstown, 92 Md., 741. Herbert
vs. Balto. Co., 97 Md., 639. Swap vs. Kemp, 97 Md., 691. Price vi.
Liquor License Commrs., 98 Md., 346. Queen Anne's County vs. Talbot
County, 98 Md., 13. Kaike vs. Wilkinson, 99 Md., 238. Brown vs. Md.
Telephone Company, 101 Md., 574. State vs. German Savings Bank, 103
Md. State vs. Cumb. & Pa. Ry., 105 Md. Christmas vs. Warfield, 105 Md.
Faut vs. Frederick, 105 Md. Jeffers vs. Annapolis, 107 Md. Miller vs.
Wicomico Co., 107 Md. Himmel vs. Eichengreen, 107 Md. Barron vs.
Smith, 108 Md. Somerset County vs. Pocomoke Bridge Co., 109 Md.
Anne Arundel County vs. United Bys„ 109 Md. Postal Tel. Go. vs.
State, 110 Md. Nutwell vs. Anne Arundel County, 110 Md. Kingan
Provision Co. vs. Lloyd, 110 Md. Prince George's County vs. B. & 0.
By., 113 Md. Mitchell vs. State, 115 Md. Foote vs. Clagett, 116 Md.
Bond vs.M. & C. C. of Baltimore, 116 Md. State vs. Loden, 117 Md.
Painter vs. Mottvelt, 119 Md. Raggels vs. State, 120 Md. State vs.
Gurry, 121 Md.
SEC. 30. Every bill, when passed by the General Assem-
bly, and sealed with the Great Seal, shall be presented to the
Governor, who, if he approves it, shall sign the same in the
presence of the presiding officers and chief clerks of the Sen-
ate and House of Delegates. Every law shall be recorded in
the office of the Court of Appeals, and in due time be printed,
published and certified under the Great Seal, to the several
courts, in the same manner as has been heretofore usual in
this State.
Parkinson vs. State, 14 Md., 184. Berry vs. Balto. & Drum Point R.
R Co., 41 Md., 446. Legg vs. Mayor, &c., of Annapolis, 42 Md., 203.
Hamilton vs. State, 61 Md., 14. Allegany County vs. Warfield, 100 Md.,
516. Dunn vs. Brager, 116 Md. Ridgley vs. Baltimore, 119 Md.
SEC. 31. No law passed by the General Assembly shall
take effect until the first day of June next after the session at
which it may be passed, unless it be otherwise expressly de-
clared therein.
Parkinson vs. State, 14 Md., 184. Risewick vs. Davis, 19 Md., 96.
SEC. 32. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury of
the State by any order or resolution, nor except in accord-
ance with an appropriation by law; and every such law shall
distinctly specify the sum appropriated and object to which
it shall be applied; provided, that nothing herein contained
shall prevent the General Assembly from placing a contingent
fund at the disposal of the Executive, who shall report to the
General Assembly at each session the amount expended, and