least three years next preceding the day of his election, and
the last year thereof, in the county, or in the Legislative Dis-
trict of Baltimore city, which he may be chosen to represent,
in such county or Legislative District of said city shall have
been so long established; and if not, then in the county or
city, from which, in whole or in part, the same may have been
formed; nor shall any person be eligible as a Senator unless
he shall have attained the age of twenty-five years, nor as a
Delegate unless he shall have attained the age of twenty-one
years, at the time of his election.
SEC. 10. No member of Congress, or person holding any
civil or military office under the United States shall be eligible
as a Senator or Delegate; and if any person shall, after his
election as Senator or Delegate, be elected to Congress, or be
appointed to any office, civil or military, under the Govern-
ment of the United States, his acceptance thereof shall vacate
his seat.
SEC. II. No Minister or Preacher of the Gospel, or of any
religions creed or denomination, and no person holding any
civil office of profit or trust under this State, except Justices
of the Peace, shall be eligible as Senator or Delegate.
SEC. 12. No collector, receiver or holder of public money
shall be eligible as Senator or Delegate, or to any office of
profit or trust under this State, until he shall have accounted
for and paid into the Treasury all sums on the books thereof
charged to and due by him.
SEC. 13. In case of death, disqualification, resignation, re-
fusal to act, expulsion, or removal from the county or city for
which he shall have been elected, or any person who shall have
been chosen as a Delegate or Senator, or in case of a tie be-
tween two or more such qualified persons, a warrant of elec-
tion shall be issued by the Speaker of the House of Delegates,
or President of the Senate, as the case may be, for the election.
of another person in his place, of which election not less
than ten days' notice shall be given, exclusive of the day of
the publication of the notice and of the day of election; and
if during the recess of the Legislature, and more than ten
days before its termination, such death shall occur, or such.
resignation, refusal to act or disqualification be communicated
in writing to the Governor by the person so resigning, refus-
ing or disqualified, it shall be the duty of the Governor to
issue a warrant of election to supply the vacancy thus cre-
ated, in the same manner the said Speaker or President might
have done during the session of the General Assembly; pro-
vided, however, that unless a meeting of the General Assem-
bly may intervene, the election thus ordered to fill such va-
cancy shall be held on the day of the ensuing election for
Delegates and Senators.