CHARLES,* by the grace of GOD, of England, Scotland,
France, and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. To ALL
to whom these Presents shall come, GREETING.
II. WHEREAS our well beloved and right trusty Subject,
Kingdom of Ireland, Son and Heir of GEORGE CALVERT,
Knight, late Baron of BALTIMORE, in our said Kingdom
of Ireland, treading in the Steps of his Father, being ani-
mated with a laudable and pious Zeal for extending the
Christian Religion, and also the Territories of our Empire,
hath humbly besought leave of Us, that he may transport by
his own Industry, and Expence, a numerous Colony of the
English Nation, to a certain Region, herein after described,
in a Country hitherto uncultivated, in the parts of America
and partly occupied by Savages, having no Knowledge of the
Divine Being, and that all that Region, with some certain'
Privileges, and Jurisdiction., appertaining unto the whole-
some Government, and State of his Colony and Region afore-
said may by our Royal Highness be given, granted, and con-
firmed unto him and his heirs.
III. KNOW YE therefore that WE, encouraging with. our
/Royal Favour, the pious and noble Purpose of the aforesaid
Baron of BALTIMORE, of oar special Grace, certain Knowl-
edge, and mere Motion, have GIVEN, GRANTED, and CON-
FIRMED, and by this our present CHARTER, for US, oar
Heirs, and Successors, do GIVE, GRANT and CONFIRM, unto
the aforesaid CAECILIUS, now Baron of BALTIMORE, his
Heirs and Assigns, all that Part of the Peninsula, or Cher-
sonese lying in the Parts of America, between the Ocean on
the East, and the bay of Chesapeake on the West, divided
from the Residue thereof by a Bight Line drawn from the
Promontory, or Head Line, called Watkins' Point, situate
upon the Bay aforesaid, near the river of Wighco, on the
West, unto the Main Ocean on the Bast; and between that
Boundary on the South unto that Part of the Bay of Dela-
ware on the North, which lieth under the Fortieth Degree of
North Latitude from the Aequinoctial, where New-England
ie terminated; And all the Tract of that Land within the
*Charles the First, of England.