SEC. 2. No person above the age of twenty-one years, con-
victed of larceny or other infamous crime, unless pardoned
by the Governor, shall ever thereafter, be entitled to vote at
any election in this State; and no person under guardianship,
as a lunatic, or as a person non compos mentis, shall be en-
titled to vote.
State vs. Bixler, 62 Md., 354.
SEC. 3. If any person shall give, or offer to give, directly
or indirectly, any bribe, present or reward, or any promise, or
any security, for the payment or delivery of money, or any
other thing, to induce any voter to refrain from casting his
vote, or to prevent him in any way from voting, or to procure
a vote for any candidate or person proposed, or voted for as
an elector of President and Vice-President of the United
States, or Representative in Congress or for any office of profit
or trust, created by the Constitution or Laws of this State, or
by the Ordinances, or authority of the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore, the person giving, or offering to give and the
person receiving the same, and any person who gives or causes
to be given, an illegal vote, knowing it to be such, at any elec-
tion to be hereafter held in this State, shall, on conviction in
a Court of Law, in addition to the penalties now or hereafter
to be imposed by law, be forever disqualified to hold any office
of profit or trust, or to vote at any election thereafter.
But the General Assembly may, in its discretion, remove the
above penalty and all other penalties upon the vote seller so
as to place the penalties for the purchase of votes on the vote
buyer alone.*
SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly to
pass Laws to punish, with fine and imprisonment, any person
who shall remove into any election district or precinct of any
ward. of the city of Baltimore, not for the purpose of acquir-
ing a bona fide residence therein, but for the purpose of vot-
ing at an approaching election, or who shall vote in any elec-
tion district or ward in which he does not reside (except in
the case provided for in this Article), or shall, at the same
election, vote in more than one election district, or precinct,
or shall vote, or offer to vote, in any; name not his own, or in
place of any other person of the same name, or shall vote in
any county in which he does not reside.
SEC. 5. The General Assembly shall provide by law for a
uniform Registration of the names of all the voters in this
State who possess the qualifications prescribed in this Article,
which Registration shall be conclusive evidence to the Judges
of election of the right of every person. thus registered, to vote
at any election thereafter held in this State; but no person
Thus amended by Chapter 602, Acts of 1912, ratified by the people Novem-
ber 4.1918.