Name. Post Office. Term Expires.
Ex-Officio Member: The Governor.
Dr. William Burdick. ......... Baltimore City. ............... 1920
Dr. Adolph Meyer. ........... .Baltimore County. ........... .1920
Mrs. E. H. Zeigler. .......... .Washington County. .......... .1920
Miss Perces K. Miller........ Sparrows Point .............. 1920
Miss Annie T. Bond. ......... .Baltimore City. .............. .1920
Mrs. Max Ways. ............. Baltimore City. ............... 1922
Miss Mary B. Dixon. ......... Baltimore City. .............. .1922
Mrs. Howard Schwarz. ....... .Baltimore City. .............. .1922
Vacancy.................................................. 1922
Joseph N. Ulman. .......... ..Baltimore City. .............. .1924
Mrs. Charles E. Ellicott....... Baltimore City. ............... 1924
Miss Emily B. Stenart. ....... Baltimore City. .............. .1924
Mrs. J. W. Putts. ............ Baltimore City. ............. ..1924
Isaac S. Field. .............. .Baltimore City. ............. ..1924
The Governor, without the consent of the Senate, appoints a Board
of Managers for the above institution consisting of fifteen members as
follows: Five for two years, five for four years and five for six years
from June 1st, 1918, and as these terms expire successors are appointed
for the full term of six years.
Eight of the Board shall be women. (Ch. 303, 1918.)
This Board supersedes the Board of Directors of the Maryland In-
dustrial School for Girls, formerly the Female House of Refuge, and is
authorized to exercise all the powers and authority conferred upon that
Board by Article 27 of the Code of Public General Laws.
The new Board is authorized by Chapter 303, 1918, to prepare plans
for suitable buildings on the cottage system and submit the same to the
Governor 'before October 1, 1919, together with its recommendations for
the location of this institution in the country, and is also authorized to
take options on property therefor and make the proper arrangements for
the sale of the property of the old institution.
This institution is for the care, reformation and instruction of such
white girls, under the age of 18 years, as require the care of a public
reformatory institution.
The Juvenile Court commits girls under 16 years of age and the
Magistrates throughout the State and Baltimore City commits those be-
tween the ages of 16 and 18 years.
Treated at Melvale, Md.
Name. (All Terms Expire 1920.) Postoffice.
John P. T. Mathias—(Holding over) ................... Thurmont
Charles A. Weagley—(Holding over) .......... .Washington County
Governor appoints two for a term of two years from the first Mon-
day in May. (Bagby Code, Art. 27, Sec. 608.)
This institution receives colored female minors under the age of
eighteen years, as shall be taken up and committed as street beggars or
vagrants, or shall be convicted of criminal offences against the laws of
the State and has power to bind out these girls committed to their care
as apprentices until they reach the age of eighteen years, whether in or
out of this State, and to teach them such proper trades or employments
as in the judgment of the managers will be moat conducive to their
reformation. —
(This Bureau abolished by Ch. 406, 1916, and put under Bureau of
Labor and Statistics.)