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Maryland Manual, 1919-20
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Congress. Nome. Years.
45............... .Henry, Daniel M. .................... .1877-1881
45-16. ........... .Kimmell, William .................... .1877-1881
46-17. ........... .McLane, Robert M....................1879-1883

62-63-64-65. . .Talbot, J. Fred. C. ........ .1879-1885, 1903-1919
46-47............ .Urner, Milton G...................... .1879-1883

47............... .Chapman, Andrew G. .................. 1881-1883
47-48. ........... .Covington, Geo. W. ................. -.1881-1885
47-48. ........... .Hoblitzell, Fetter S.. ................. .1881-1885
48-49............ .Findlay, John V. L. ................... 1883-1887

48............... .Holton, Hart B. ..................... .1883-1885

+48-51............ .McComas, Lonia E.................... 1883-1891

49............... .Cole, William H (1).................. .1885-1887
49-53............. Compton, Barnes (2)........ 1885-1889, 1891-1895

+49-51............ .Gibson, Charles H. .......... .......... 1885-1889
49-54. ........... .Busk, Harry Welles (3)............... ..1886-1897
49-50. ........... .Shaw, Frank T. ................. .... ..1885-1889
50-52-53. ........ .Rayner, Isidor ............ .1887-1889, 1891-1895
61........... .Mudd, Sydney E.(4).1891-1893, 1897-1899, 1901-1909

51..... ,. .........Sitockbridge, Henry W................. 1889-1901
51-52. .......... ..Stump, Herman ..................... ..1889-1893

52............... .Brown, John B........................ 1893-1895
52-53. . ...........McKaig, William M................... 1891-1895

52............... .Page, Henry ....................... ..1891-1893

53............... .Brattan, Robert F................... ..1893-1895
53-54............. Coffin, Charles B...................... 1893-1897
53—3d Session... . .Henry, W. Laird. ................... ..1895
54-56. ............ Baker, William B.....................1895-1901

54............... .Cowen, John K. .................... ..1895-1897

54....'............Miles, Joshua W......................1896-1897

+54............... .Wellington, George L................ ..1897-1899

55............... .Barber, Isaac Ambrose. .............. ..1897-1899
55..............; .Booze, William S................... ..1897-1899
55............... .'McDonald, John ...................... 1897-1899

55................ Mcintire, William Watson.............. 1897-1899
56-58.. .......... .Denny, James W........... .1899-1901, 1903-1903

56................ Kerr, Josiah Leeds .................... 1900-1901
56-57-58-59-60-61. Pearre, George Alexander.............. 1899-1909

56..... . ..........Smith, John Walters................... 1899-1901
56-57-58-59. ..... .Wachter, Frank C..................... 1899-1907

57............... .Blakeney, Albert A................... .1901-1003
57-58-60. ........ .Jackson, William H........ .1901-1905, 1907-1909
57................ Schirm, Charles B..................... 1901-1903

59............... .Smith, Thomas A..................... .1905-1907
59-60-61. ........ .Gill, John, Jr....................... ..1905-1909

60............... .Wolf, Harry B...................... ..1907-1909
61-62. ........... .Covington, J. Harry. ................. .1909-1913

61.............. .Kronmiller, John .................... .1909-1911

62............... .Parran, Thomas ..................... .1911-1913
62-63-64. ........ .Lewis, David J....................... 1911-1917
62............... .Konig, George ....................... .1911-1913
62-63-64-65-66.... Linthicum J. Charles..... ............. 1911-1921
63-64-65-66. ..... .Coady, Charles P.................... ..1913-1921

1 Died 1886.

2 Unseated from 51st Congress in favor of Sydney B. Mudd.

3 Elected to fill vacancy; vice William H. Cole, deceased.

4 Died 1911.
5Resigned to assume Executive Office.


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Maryland Manual, 1919-20
Volume 130, Page 113   View pdf image (33K)
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