(All Terms Expire 1920.)
Edward M. Staylor. ................................... .Chief Judge
W. G. S. Musgrave.................................. Assistant Judge
The Traffic Court is created by Chapter 85 of the Acts of 1918,
Section 159, which authorizes the Governor to appoint two additional
Justices of the Peace for Baltimore City and designate them for duty as
a Traffic Court for the sole purpose of trying violations of the Auto-
mobile Law.
(All Terms Expire 1920.)
Name. Postoffice.
Joseph P. Burnett. ...................................... .Baltimore
Noah B. Pierson. ........................................ .Baltimore
Governor appoints two for a term of two years from the first Mon-
day in May. (Ch. 123, 1898.)
This Board has general supervision over all stationary and portable
engineers and it is its duty to examine all applicants who apply for a
license and issue such license to all who are proficient. The applicant
receiving a license pays to the Board three dollars and one dollar and
fifty cents for each renewal, which renewal must be made annually.
All persons above the age of tweny-one years who desire to fill a
position as an engineer must secure a license before he can enter upon
his duties.
It is the duty of this Board to investigate all charges against en-
gineers running engines without a license and also charges of intoxica-
tion for which, upon conviction before a Justice of the Peace, the violator
shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than fifty dol-
lars. The Board has power to annul certificates for intoxication while
on duty.
It is also the duty of the Board to visit all steam plants wherein
licensed engineers are employed and ascertain if such plants are being
run with proper skill and care.
To summarize: It is its duty to see that all engineers operating
power plants or portable engines have licenses and to examine all appli-
cants for licenses. It also visits the various plants to see that licensed
men are in charge.
(All Terms Expire 1918.)
Name. Postoffice.
Myer Fox ...............................................Baltimore
Raymond C. Bryant. ..................................... .Baltimore
Max Gras ...............................................Baltimore
Harry L. Mills. ......................................... .Baltimore
P. B. Miller............................................. .Baltimore
S. Burns Radcliffe. ...................................... .Baltimore
E. T. Newell............................................ .Baltimore
Solomon A. Schwaab..................................... .Baltimore
Sam W. Pattison. ....................................... .Baltimore
Joseph B. Nyburg. ...................................... .Baltimore
Rosario DiGiorgio ........................................Baltimore
W. F. Ogle. ............. .............................. .Baltimore
Edwin F. Meyer. ........................................ .Baltimore
Robert Fox .............................................Baltimore
H. L. Thomas........................................... .Baltimore
Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints not exceeding
thirty, for a term of two years from the first Monday in May. (Ch. 123,