Name. County. Session.
John F. Dent. ....................St. Mary's ....... ..1854 January
William H. Travers...............Baltimore C5ty .....1856 January
John S. Berry.................... Baltimore ........ ..1858 January
E. G. Kilbourn. .................. Anne Arundel . ... ..1860 January
E. G. Kilbourn. .................. Anne Arundel ......1861 Apr. Ex.
John S. Berry. ................... Baltimore ........ ..1862 Special
John M. Frazier. ................. Baltimore City . ... .1865
John M. Frazier.. .......... ...... Baltimore City .....1866 Extra
Oliver Miller. .................... Anne Arundel .... ..1867 January
William A. Stewart. .............. Baltimore City ..... 1868 January
Ferdinand C. Latrobe. ............ Baltimore City . .... 1870 January
Arthur P. German. ............... Howard ........... 1872 January
Jesse K. Hines. .................. Kent ..............1874 January
Lewis C. Smith. .................. Washington ...... ..1876 January
Fetter S. Hoblitzell............... Baltimore City .....1878 January
Hiram McCullough. ............... Cecil ............ ..1880 January
Otis Keilholtz. ................... Baltimore City . . . ..1882 January
J. Pembroke Thorn. ...............Baltimore City . ... .1884 January
Joseph B. Seth. .................. Talbot ........... .1886 January
George M. Upshur. .............. .Worcester ........ ..1888 January
John Hubner. ................... .Baltimore ........ ..1890 January
Murray Vandiver. ................ Harford ......... ..1892 January
James H. Preston. ................ Baltimore City . .... 1894 January
Sydney E. Mudd. ................. Charles .......... ..1896 January
Louis Schaefer................... Baltimore City ... .. 1898 January
Lloyd Wilkinson. ................ .Worcester ....... ..1900 January
Noble L. Mitchell. ................ Harford ......... ..1902 January
Dr. George Y. Everhart............ Baltimore ..........1904 January
Carville D. Benson. .............. .Baltimore ........ ..1906 January
J. Enos Bay, Jr.................. Prince George's . . . .1908 January
Adam Peoples. ................... Cecil ..............1910 January
James McC. Trippe. .............. Baltimore City. .... 1912 January
James McC. Trippe. .............. Baltimore City..... 1914 January
Philip D. Laird................... Montgomery ....... 1916 January
David G. McIntosh .............. .Baltimore Comity. .. 1917 June
Herbert B. Wooden. ............. .Carroll County. . .... 1918 January
1608. Exploration of the Chesapeake Bay by Capt. John Smith.
1631. August—Settlement of Claiborne for trading post on Kent Island,
1632. June 20—Charter of Maryland granted.
1633. November 22—Sailing of the Ark and Dove.
1634. March 25—Landing of the Colonists.
1635. February 26—First meeting of the Assembly.
1635. April 23—The first naval battle by white men in America wa»
fought on the Little Pocomoke river. Eastern Shore of Mary-
land, between Claiborne's pinnance Long Tail and Governor
Calvert's two pinnaces, the St. Margaret and the St. Helen.
1643. Governor Calvert driven from the province by William Ingle.
1649. Toleration Act passed.
1652. Maryland seized by the Commissioners of Parliament.
1664. March—Battle of the Severn.
1657. November 30—Restoration of the Province of Lord Baltimore.
1666. Augustine Herman and family naturalized. The first foreigners
naturalized in Maryland.
1671. George Fox visited the Province. Rise of the Quakers.
1688. December—William Penn met Charles Calvert, Third Lord Balti-
more, at West River, for an interview on the divisional lines
between their lands.