Note:—The term of office of the members of the House of Dele
gates is two years, therefore, they sit during but one' Session of the
General Assembly.
The term of office of Senators is tour years and the names of those
Senators marked thug (*) below, were elected in 1917 for a term of foul-
years and sit, therefore, during the Sessions of 1918 and 1920. Those
not so marked were elected in 1915 and are, therefore, inembers of the
1918 Session only. Their successors will be elected in 1919.
County. Name. Address.
Allegany George Louis Eppler (R) Cumberland
Anne Arundel Frank M. Duvall (D) St. Margaret's
Baltimore Newton D. R. Allen (R) Towson
Calvert Joseph E. Jov (R) Olivet
Caroline *Harry H. Nuttle (R) Denton
Carroll Wade H. D. Warfield (D) Sykesville
Cecil *Omer D. Crothers (D) Elkton
Charles *Walter J. Mitchell (D) La Plata
Dorchester *William N. Andrews (R) Cambridge
Frederick George I. Kaufman (R) Frederick
Garrett *Harvey J. Speicher (R) Accident
Harford *J. Royston Stifler (D) Bel Air
Howard Richard A. Johnson ( D) Laurel
Kent Henry Brown (R) Chestertown
Montgomery *J. Dawson Williams (D) Kensington
Prince George's *Oliver S. Metzerott (R) Hyattsville
Queen Anne's John H. C. Legg (D) Centreville
St. Mary's *CharlesS.Grayson (D) St. Inigos
Somerset George P. Parsons (R) Marion
Talbot *George L. Bartlett (R) Easton
Washington Harvey S. Bomberger (R) Boonsboro
Wicomico L. Atwood Bennett (D) Salisbury
Worcester *Orlando Harrison (D) Berlin
Baltimore City—
1st District William I. Norris (D) 8 E. Lexington St.
2nd District Peter J. Campbell (D) 1010 R. Preston St.
3rd District George Arnold Frick (D) 909 Md. Tr. Bldg.
4th District *Albert M. Sproesser (R) 335 Warren Ave.