Brown Arcade Building, Baltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
Henry A. McMains.. ............ 1917 ................ .Baltimore
J. Stanley Johnson..............1917............... Hagerstown
Webster S. Heatwole.. ... .......1918 . . . ............. .Salisbury
Hedler V. Carter.. .............. 1919 ................ .Baltimore
Howard M. Houck. ............. 1919 ................ .Baltimore
Governor appoints five from a full list of members in good standing
of the Maryland Osteopathic Association, two for I year, two for 2 years,
and one for 3 years, and as these terms expire the successor is appointed
for 3 years from the first day of June. (Ch. 786, 1914.)
The Maryland Board of Osteopathic Examiners on receiving applica-
tions for license to practice Osteopathy within the State, investigate
credentials of said applicant and if they meet the requirements, a license
is issued by said Examining Board. Two stated meetings are held each
year for the examining of such applicants whose credentials will not
warrant the issuing of a license through the previous practice, or
Reciprocity Acts. Said Examining Board co-operates with municipal and
State officials in enforcing the laws regulating the practice.
Union Trust Bldg., Baltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
Arthur P. Gorman, Jr., Chairman, 1920. ......... ,.. ........Laurel
Lewin W. Wicks.. .............. 1918 ............... Chestertown
Oscar Leser (Minority).. ........ 1922 ................ .Baltimore
Charles C. Wallace. .................................. .Baltimore
The Act creating this Commission named the first Board as above.
Thereafter, as their terms expire, the Governor appoints the successor
for a term of six years from the date of appointment. Not more than
two shall be of the same political faith. (Ch. 841, 1914.)
The Commission elects a Secretary and such other employees as may
be necessary.
The determination of the Commission as regards the assessment of
property 13 final, and appeals from assessments made by the County
Commissioners or by the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore City are taken
directly to the Commission. An appeal from a decision of the Commission
to courts lies only on questions of law.
In August, 1916, the State Tax Commission ordered a re-assessment.
of the real estate of all the counties of the State of Maryland. The right
of the State Tax Commission to order such a re-assessment was affirmed
by the Court of Appeals in the ease of the State Tax Commission versus
Lowenstein (129 Maryland).
Besides the right to bring about general equalization, the Commis-
ion has the power to establish forms of schedules, notices, etc., and also
of assessment and collection books; to establish a uniform system of ac-