Motor Cycle Officers:
F. O. Bull. ......................................... .Baltimore
T. E. Seibert. ..................................... .Hagerstown
E. W. Markwood. .................................. .Brentwood
G. A. Gloyd. ..................................... .Gaithersburg
C. E. Nikirk. ...................................... .Middletown
R. L. Frizzell. .................................... .New Market
Office Boy:
Gordon Van Lill.................... ................. Baltimore
Washington Agent:
Charles E. Beane. ....................... .Prince George's County
Frank Hall. ........................... .Prince George's County
Governor, with consent of Senate, appoints one Commissioner for a
term of two years from the first Monday in May (Oh. 687, 1916). The
Commissioner appoints all others in his office.
The Commissioner is authorized to appoint such assistants and at
Bach salaries as he may deem necessary, subject to the approval of the
Governor; he is also authorized to appoint an. agent, who shall maintain
on office in Washington, D. C., for the issuance of licenses. It is the
duty of the Commissioner to employ, with the consent and approval of
the Governor, a number of Motor Cycle Officers to enforce the motor
vehicle traffic throughout the entire State.
In addition to issuing licenses, it is the duty of the Commissioner
to exercise reasonable effort to secure the enforcement of the Automobile
Secretary, Dr. F. F. Drew, 701 N. Howard St., Baltimore.
Name Postoffice. Term Expires.
Dr. Albert B. King. ........... .Baltimore.. ................ .1918
Dr. J. Edgar Orrison. ......... .Baltimore. ................ ..1918
Dr. T. L. McCarriar. .......... .Baltimore................... 1920
Dr. H. A. Wilson. ............ .Baltimore. ................. .1920
Dr. Frederick F. Drew. ........ .Baltimore. ................. .1922
Dr. J. S. Hopkins.. ............. .Belair ................... .1922
Governor appoints six; two bi-ennially for a. term of six years from
the first Monday in May, from a list of nine practicing dentists fur-
nished by the Maryland State Dental Association. (Bagby Code, Art.
32, See. 2.)
The paramount duty of the Dental Board, as provided by the Dental
Practice Act of this State, is to regulate the practice of Denistry in
Maryland by testing the qualifications of candidates.
It requires that all applicants for license shall be twenty-one years
of age and shall be graduates of dental colleges duly incorporated to
grant degrees in Dental Surgery by the laws of one of the United States.
Two annual examinations are held—lasting two days each—one
being in the month of May, the other in that of November. Each appli-
cant for examination flies with the Secretary of the Board a sworn state-
ment setting forth his age, name and address, college of graduation, etc.,
together with the examination fee of ten dollars.
The examinations are both theoretical (written) and practical.
Each member of the Board is assigned certain subjects for exami-
nation and is allowed ten questions.