(Electrical Commission.)
Room 512 Union Trust Building, Baltimore.
(All Terms Expire May, 1938.)
Name. Postoffice.
Joseph B. Dreisch, for Electrical Contractors' Association. .Baltimore
Stanley B. Prather, for Electrical Contractors' Asso...... Baltimore
Arthur B. James, for Association of Fire Underwriters. . . .Baltimore
Joseph M. Zamoiski, for Chief of Electrical Department. .Baltimore
William J. Gray, Journeyman Electrician. .............. .Baltimore
The Board consists of five members appointed by the Governor for
a term of two years, as follows: Two from nominations made by the
Electrical Contractors' Association; one from nominations made by the
Chief of the Municipal Electrical Inspectors of Baltimore; one from
nominations made by the Association of Fire Underwriters of Baltimore
City, and one a journeyman electrician. (Ch. 244, 1906.)
The duty of this Board is to examine all applicants for license as
"Master Electrician." No person, firm or corporation, is permitted by
law to install, erect or repair electrical wiring or conductors used for
electric light, heat or power until a license has been issued to them as a
Master Electrician by the Board of Examiners after an examination ac-
cording to the rules and regulations adopted by said Board.
Name Postoffice. Term Expires.
William A. Gillispie. .......... .Baltimore. ................ ..1917
Ernest E. Wooden. ............ .Baltimore. ................. .1918
Thomas L. Barry. .... ........ Baltimore ...................1919
W. Milnes Maloy. ............. .Baltimore...................1918
George E. Bamett. ........... Baltimore. ................. .1918
The Governor appoints three Certified Public Accountants, one for
one year, one for two years and one for three years, and as these terms
expire a successor is appointed for a full term of three years; together
with one attorney for a term of two years and one economist, selected
from a list of three names submitted by the President of the Johns
Hopkins University, for a term of two years. (Ch. 330, 1916.)
The duties of this Board are to examine all applicants for certificates
as Certified Public Accountants. Examinations shall be held at least
once in each year and be conducted according to such rules and regula-
tions as the Board may adopt. The results of the examinations are re-
ported to the Governor who issues certificates accordingly, and the
Governor may revoke such certificates for cause.