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Maryland Manual, 1916-17
Volume 127, Page 101   View pdf image (33K)
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Year. Governor' s Council. Sessions.

1784—John H. Stone, James Brice, Jeremiah T. Chase,

Gabriel Duval, Benjamin Ogle. ................... Nov.
1785—Charles Wallace, Aquilla Paca, John Davidson, John H.

Stone, Samuel T. Wright. ........................ Nov.
1786—Jeremiah T. Chase, James Brice, Gabriel Duval, John

Kilty, Samuel T. Wright. ........................ Nov.
1787—Jeremiah T. Chase, James Brice, John Kilty, John

Davidson, Benj. Harrison. ........................ Nov.
1788—Jeremiah T. Chase, James Brice, John Kilty, John

Davidson, Benj. Harrison.......... .............. Nov.
1789—James Brice, John Davidson, William Hindman, Josias

C. Hall, John Kilty. ............................. Nov.
1790—John Kilty, James Brice, John Davidson, William

Hindman, Kand. B. Latimer,...................... Nov.
1791—Henry Ridgely, Rand. B. Latimer, John Davidson, John

Kilty, James Brice.............................. Nov.
1792—James Brico, John Kilty, Henry Ridgely, Maj. John

Davidson, Benj. Harrison......................... Nov.
1793—William Pinkney, John Davidson, James Brice, John

Kilty, Henry Ridgely. ........................... Nov.
1794—William Pinkney, John Davidson, James Briee, Henry

Ridgely, William Kilty. .......................... Nov.
1795—William Pinkney, John Davidson, James Brice, Henry

Ridgely, William Kilty. .......................... Nov.
1796—James Brice, Henry Ridgely, John Davidson, William

Kilty, James Thomas............................ Nov.
1797—John Davidson, James Thomas, Jonathan Wilmer,

Arthur Schaaff, John Johnson..................... Nov.
1798—John Davidson, James Thomas, Arthur Schaaff, Jona-
than Wilmer, John Johnson...................... ........
1799—Arthur Schaaff, John Davidson, James Brice, James

Thomas, Jonathan Wilmer. ....................... ........
1800—Thomas Buchanan, Arthur Schaaff, James Thomas,

John Davidson, Samuel Ridout.................... Nov.
1801—Francis Diggs, Alien B. Duckett, Reverdy Ghiselin,

Edward Hall, Davidgon David. ................... Nov.
1802—Francis Diggs, Alien B. Duckett, Edward Hall,

Reverdy Ghiselin, Davidson David................. Nov.
1803—Alien B. Duckett, Francis Diggs, Davidson David,

Reverdy Ghiselin, Edward Hall. ................. Nov.
1804—Rich. H. Harwood, Alien B. Dlickett, Reverdy Ghiselin,

Richard T. Earle, Francis Diggs. ................. Nov.
1805—Alien B. Duckett, Reverdy Ghiselin, Richard T. Earle, 5th & 6th

Francis Diggs, Philip Reed....................... Sessions.
1806—Reverdy Ghiselin, Thomas W. Hall, Lewis Duvall, Philip

Reed, James Nabb. .............................. Nov.
1807—James Butcher, Thomas W. Hall, Lewis Duvall, Reverdy

Ghiselin, James Nabb............................ Nov.
1808—James Butcher, Reverdy Ghiselin, Lewis Dnvall, Thos.

W. Hall, Benjamin Hodges. ...................... Nov.
1809—James Butcher, Geo. E. Mitchell, Thomas W. Hall,

Reverdy Ghiselin, Lewis Duvall. ................... Nov.
1810—James Stephen, James Butcher, Thomas W. Hall,

Reverdy Ghiselin, Geo. E. Mitchell................ Nov.
1811—Geo. E. Mitchell, John Stephen, James Butcher, Thos.

H. Hall, Revery Ghiselin......................... Nov.
1812—Benj. Stoddert, Alex. C. Magruder, Wm. H. Ward, Wm.
B. Martin, Walter Dorsey. ....................... Nov.


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Maryland Manual, 1916-17
Volume 127, Page 101   View pdf image (33K)
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