The Board of Managers consists of the Governor, Comptroller, Treas-
urer, and nine others appointed in the Act, one from each of the
counties of the Eastern Shore. Terms, three for two years; three for
four years, and three for six years, and as these terms expire the Gov-
ernor appoints successors for a term of six years. (Ch. 189, 1912.)
Brown Arcade Building, Baltimore, Md.
Name. Term Expires. Residence
Charles D, Reid, President ...1920 ..................... Baltimore
Samuel J. Twilley. ......... 1918 ............... Pocomoke City
J. Herbert Wade. .......... 1916 ................... .Boonsboro
Parole Officers:
Roy E. Smith......................................... Salisbury
Lewis E. Cole.......................................St. Dennis
Thomas B. Campbell.................................. Baltimore
William E. Lankford............................. Pocomoke City
Harry S. Hartman, Brown Arcade Bldg................. Baltimore
The personnel of this Board is named in the Act creating it, as above
set forth. Thereafter as these terms expire the Governor appoints to
fill the vacancy, the term then being six years. The confirmation of the
Senate is required for the subsequent appointments. (Ch. 500, 1914.)
The duties of this Board are to thoroughly investigate all applica-
tions for pardon and parole and report the result of the same to the
Governor of the State. It must take under its supervision for such
time as the Governor may direct the inmates of any penal institute of
the State who may be paroled by the Governor and keep records show-
ing the actions, earnings, etc., of the said paroles during their time, re-
porting at once to the Governor, the violation of any of the terms of
their parole.
In pursuing their investigations they have power to summons wit-
nesses before them and to examine them on their oath when necessary.
They have visitorial power over every institution to which prisoners,
whether adult or minors, are committed that receive aid from the State,
city or private sources.
Address the Secretary.
(All Terms Expire 1016.)
Name. Residence.
W. B. Brown, President, 121 N. Howard St............. .Baltimore
B. W. Hazell, Secretary, 121 N. Fulton Ave............ .Baltimore
R. L. Coffin. ........................................ .Baltimore
J. W. Funck. ....................................... .Baltimore
F. M. Schumacher. .................................. .Baltimore
The Governor appoints five from a list of ten names furnished him
by the Maryland Association of Optometry. Term, two years from ap-
pointment. Vacancies are also filled by the Governor for the remainder
of the term and are selected from a list of four names furnished as in
the original appointments. (Ch. 652, 1914.)