The Governor, with consent of Senate, appoints a President, a State
Superintendent and a Commissioner of Immigration, for the term of
two years from the first Monday in May. The Bureau appoints all other
officers. (Cb. 382, 1908.)
This Bureau furnishes economic maps of the State of Maryland,
showing the geographical position of all counties, the character of its
soil, and the produets of the different sections of each county of the
State, its road system and transportation facilities, and also advertises
in pamphlet form all of the lands for sale that have been placed in the
hands of the Bureau, giving the price and describing their character
and location, etc. Such literature of information furnished to all in-
quirers who have been attracted to investigate our agricultural possi-
bilities by advertisements which the Bureau inserts in various farm
journals in this country and elsewhere.
It also gives all assistance in its power to persons desiring to locate
in the State, and uses every means available to encourage such immigra-
tion as will increase the State's agricultural population,
There is also attached to this Bureau a Free Employment Depart-
ment, with the view of furnishing help to the rural sections of this
State, as also the establishment in the near future of a permanent
exhibition room, where a specimen of all the agricultural produets of
our State will be on exhibition as a further means of advertising our
agricultural resources.
In the absence of a publicity bureau, we also prepare and distribute,
as a part of the literature of the office, a prospectus, with illustrations
and cuts that we deem would make its perusal more attractive. There-
fore, we are under the impression that any matters of inquiry as to the
agricultural resources and possibilities of our State, our transportation
facilities, etc., should be directed to this office.
Baltimore, Md.
Name. Postoffice. Term Expires.
Dr. George H. Hocking-. . ...... Govanstown ................ 1918
Dr. Henry M. Hurd............ -Baltimore .................. 1916
Dr. Hugh H. Young. .......... .Baltimore .................. 1917
Dr. Henry J. Berkley. ......... Baltimore ................. .1919
Dr. Arthur P. Hering, Secretary, 330 Charles Street, Baltimore.
The Commission consists of the Attorney General and four mem-
bers appointed by the Governor; one annually for a term of four years
from the first Monday in May. Three of those appointed shall be resi-
dents of Baltimore City, two of whom shall be physicians. (Bagby Code,
Art. 59, Sees. 13, 14, 15.)
The State Lunacy Commission has supervision over all institutions,
public, corporate or private, in which insane persons are detained.
The Secretary of the Commission, or one member thereof, is required
at least once every six months to visit all institutions in the State,
ineluding almshouses, jails, etc., where the insane are kept. This
Commission makes an annual report to the Governor in the month of