or to be dependent on the same, or subordinate in any kind of
Government, from which WE do separate both the said PROV-
INCE, and Inhabitants thereof, and by these presents do WILL
to be distinct, and that they may be immediately subject to
our Crown of England, and dependent on the same for ever.
XXII. AND if, peradventure, hereafter it may happen that
any Doubts or Questions should arise concerning the true
Sense and Meaning of any Word, Clause or Sentence, con-
tained in this our present CHARTER, WE will, charge and
command, THAT Interpretation to be applied, always, and
in all Things, and in all onr Courts and Judicatories whatso-
ever, to obtain which shall be judged to be the more beneficial,
profitable, and favourable to the aforesaid now Baron of
BALTIMORE, his Heirs and Assigns: PROVIDED always that
no Interpretation thereof be made, whereby GOD'S holy and
true Christian Religion, or the Allegiance due to US, our
Heirs and Successors, may in any wise suffer by Change,
Prejudice, or Diminution; although express Mention be not
made in these Presents of the true yearly Value or Certainty
of the Premises, or any Part thereof, or of other Gifts and
•Grants made by Us, onr Heirs and Predecessors, unto the
said now Lord BALTIMORE, or any Statute, Act, Ordi-
nance, Provision, Proclamation or Restraint heretofore had,
made, published, ordained or provided, or any other Thing,
Cause or Matter whatsoever, to the contrary thereof in any
wise notwithstanding.
XXIII. IN WITNESS whereof WE have caused these our
letters to be made Patent. WITNESS OURSELF at Wes-
minister, the Twentieth Day of June, in the Eighth Year of
our Reign.